subroutine s_trans_scin(abort,errmsg) *-------------------------------------------------------- * author: John Arrington * created: 2/22/94 * * s_trans_scin fills the sos_decoded_scin common block * with track independant corrections and parameters * needed for the drift chamber and tof analysis. * * $Log: s_trans_scin.f,v $ * Revision 1.14 2005/03/15 21:13:09 jones * Add code to filter the scintillator tdc hits and group them by time. ( P. Bosted) * * Revision 1.13 1999/06/10 16:57:58 csa * (JRA) Cosmetic changes * * Revision 1.12 1996/04/30 17:15:39 saw * (JRA) Cleanup * * Revision 1.11 1996/01/17 18:21:56 cdaq * (JRA) Misc. fixes. * * Revision 1.10 1995/05/22 19:46:03 cdaq * (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts" * * Revision 1.9 1995/05/17 16:48:22 cdaq * (JRA) Add hscintimes user histogram * * Revision 1.8 1995/05/11 15:10:59 cdaq * (JRA) Replace hardwired TDC offsets with ctp variables. Fix latent hmsism. * * Revision 1.7 1995/04/06 19:52:59 cdaq * (JRA) Change hardwired TDC offset to 100 * * Revision 1.6 1995/02/23 13:25:28 cdaq * (JRA) Add a calculation of beta without finding a track * * Revision 1.5 1995/01/18 21:00:24 cdaq * (SAW) Catch negative ADC values in argument of square root * * Revision 1.4 1994/11/23 15:08:24 cdaq * * (SPB) Recopied from hms file and modified names for SOS * * Revision 1.3 1994/04/13 20:07:02 cdaq * (SAW) Fix a typo * * Revision 1.2 1994/04/13 19:00:06 cdaq * (DFG) 3/24 Add s_prt_scin_raw raw bank dump routine * Add s_prt_scin_dec decoded print routine * Add test for zero hits and skip all but initialization * Commented out setting abort = .true. * Add ABORT and errmsg to arguements * (DFG) 4/5 Move prt_scin_raw to s_raw_dump_all routine * (DFG) 4/12 Add call to s_fill_scin_raw_hist * * Revision 1.1 1994/02/21 16:43:53 cdaq * Initial revision * *-------------------------------------------------------- implicit none include 'sos_data_structures.cmn' include 'sos_scin_parms.cmn' include 'sos_scin_tof.cmn' include 'sos_id_histid.cmn' logical abort character*1024 errmsg character*20 here parameter (here = 's_trans_scin') integer*4 dumtrk parameter (dumtrk=1) integer*4 ihit, plane integer*4 time_num real*4 time_sum real*4 fptime real*4 scint_center real*4 hit_position real*4 dist_from_center real*4 pos_path, neg_path real*4 pos_ph(smax_scin_hits) !pulse height (channels) real*4 neg_ph(smax_scin_hits) real*4 postime(smax_scin_hits) real*4 negtime(smax_scin_hits) logical goodtime(snum_scin_planes) integer timehist(200),i,j,jmax,maxhit,nfound real*4 time_pos(1000),time_neg(1000),tmin,time_tolerance logical keep_pos(1000),keep_neg(1000),first/.true./ save abort = .false. ** Find scintillators with real hits (good TDC values) call s_strip_scin(abort,errmsg) if (abort) then call g_prepend(here,errmsg) return endif ** Initialize track-independant quantaties. call s_tof_init(abort,errmsg) if (abort) then call g_prepend(here,errmsg) return endif sgood_start_time = .false. if( sscin_tot_hits .gt. 0) then ** Histogram raw scin call s_fill_scin_raw_hist(abort,errmsg) if (abort) then call g_prepend(here,errmsg) return endif endif ** Return if no valid hits. if( sscin_tot_hits .le. 0) return ! Calculate all corrected hit times and histogram ! This uses a copy of code below. Results are save in time_pos,neg ! including the z-pos. correction assuming nominal value of betap ! Code is currently hard-wired to look for a peak in the ! range of 0 to 100 nsec, with a group of times that all ! agree withing a time_tolerance of time_tolerance nsec. The normal ! peak position appears to be around 35 nsec (SOS0 or 31 nsec (HMS) ! NOTE: if want to find farticles with beta different than ! reference particle, need to make sure this is big enough ! to accomodate difference in TOF for other particles ! Default value in case user hasnt definedd something reasonable time_tolerance=3.0 if( then time_tolerance=stof_tolerance endif if(first) then first=.false. write(*,'(//1x,''USING '',f8.2,'' NSEC WINDOW FOR'', > '' SOS FP NO_TRACK CALCULATIONS'')') time_tolerance write(*,'(//)') endif nfound = 0 do j=1,200 timehist(j)=0 enddo do ihit = 1 , sscin_tot_hits i=min(1000,ihit) time_pos(i)=-99. time_neg(i)=-99. keep_pos(i)=.false. keep_neg(i)=.false. if ((sscin_tdc_pos(ihit) .ge. sscin_tdc_min) .and. 1 (sscin_tdc_pos(ihit) .le. sscin_tdc_max) .and. 2 (sscin_tdc_neg(ihit) .ge. sscin_tdc_min) .and. 3 (sscin_tdc_neg(ihit) .le. sscin_tdc_max)) then pos_ph(ihit) = sscin_adc_pos(ihit) postime(ihit) = sscin_tdc_pos(ihit) * sscin_tdc_to_time postime(ihit) = postime(ihit) - sscin_pos_phc_coeff(ihit) * 1 sqrt(max(0.,(pos_ph(ihit)/sscin_pos_minph(ihit)-1.))) postime(ihit) = postime(ihit) - sscin_pos_time_offset(ihit) neg_ph(ihit) = sscin_adc_neg(ihit) negtime(ihit) = sscin_tdc_neg(ihit) * sscin_tdc_to_time negtime(ihit) = negtime(ihit) - sscin_neg_phc_coeff(ihit) * 1 sqrt(max(0.,(neg_ph(ihit)/sscin_neg_minph(ihit)-1.))) negtime(ihit) = negtime(ihit) - sscin_neg_time_offset(ihit) * Find hit position. If postime larger, then hit was nearer negative side. dist_from_center = 0.5*(negtime(ihit) - postime(ihit)) 1 * sscin_vel_light(ihit) scint_center = (sscin_pos_coord(ihit)+sscin_neg_coord(ihit))/2. hit_position = scint_center + dist_from_center hit_position = min(sscin_pos_coord(ihit),hit_position) hit_position = max(sscin_neg_coord(ihit),hit_position) sscin_dec_hit_coord(ihit) = hit_position * Get corrected time. pos_path = sscin_pos_coord(ihit) - hit_position neg_path = hit_position - sscin_neg_coord(ihit) postime(ihit) = postime(ihit) - pos_path/sscin_vel_light(ihit) negtime(ihit) = negtime(ihit) - neg_path/sscin_vel_light(ihit) time_pos(i) = postime(ihit) - > sscin_zpos(ihit) / (29.979*sbeta_pcent) time_neg(i) = negtime(ihit) - > sscin_zpos(ihit) / (29.979*sbeta_pcent) nfound = nfound + 1 do j=1,200 tmin = 0.5*float(j) if(time_pos(i) .gt. tmin .and. > time_pos(i) .lt. tmin + time_tolerance) > timehist(j) = timehist(j) + 1 enddo nfound = nfound + 1 do j=1,200 tmin = 0.5*float(j) if(time_neg(i) .gt. tmin .and. > time_neg(i) .lt. tmin + time_tolerance) > timehist(j) = timehist(j) + 1 enddo endif enddo ! Find bin with most hits jmax=0 maxhit=0 do j=1,200 if(timehist(j) .gt. maxhit) then jmax = j maxhit = timehist(j) endif enddo if( then tmin = 0.5*float(jmax) do ihit = 1 , sscin_tot_hits i=min(1000,ihit) if(time_pos(i) .gt. tmin .and. > time_pos(i) .lt. tmin + time_tolerance) then keep_pos(i) = .true. endif if(time_neg(i) .gt. tmin .and. > time_neg(i) .lt. tmin + time_tolerance) then keep_neg(i) = .true. endif enddo endif ! Resume regular tof code, now using time filer from above ** Check for two good TDC values. do ihit = 1 , sscin_tot_hits if ((sscin_tdc_pos(ihit) .ge. sscin_tdc_min) .and. 1 (sscin_tdc_pos(ihit) .le. sscin_tdc_max) .and. 2 (sscin_tdc_neg(ihit) .ge. sscin_tdc_min) .and. 3 (sscin_tdc_neg(ihit) .le. sscin_tdc_max).and. 4 keep_pos(ihit).and.keep_neg(ihit)) then stwo_good_times(ihit) = .true. else stwo_good_times(ihit) = .false. endif enddo !end of loop that finds tube setting time. ** Get corrected time/adc for each scintillator hit do ihit = 1 , sscin_tot_hits if (stwo_good_times(ihit)) then !both tubes fired * Correct time for everything except veloc. correction in order to * find hit location from difference in tdc. pos_ph(ihit) = sscin_adc_pos(ihit) postime(ihit) = sscin_tdc_pos(ihit) * sscin_tdc_to_time postime(ihit) = postime(ihit) - sscin_pos_phc_coeff(ihit) * 1 sqrt(max(0.,(pos_ph(ihit)/sscin_pos_minph(ihit)-1.))) postime(ihit) = postime(ihit) - sscin_pos_time_offset(ihit) neg_ph(ihit) = sscin_adc_neg(ihit) negtime(ihit) = sscin_tdc_neg(ihit) * sscin_tdc_to_time negtime(ihit) = negtime(ihit) - sscin_neg_phc_coeff(ihit) * 1 sqrt(max(0.,(neg_ph(ihit)/sscin_neg_minph(ihit)-1.))) negtime(ihit) = negtime(ihit) - sscin_neg_time_offset(ihit) * Find hit position. If postime larger, then hit was nearer negative side. dist_from_center = 0.5*(negtime(ihit) - postime(ihit)) 1 * sscin_vel_light(ihit) scint_center = (sscin_pos_coord(ihit)+sscin_neg_coord(ihit))/2. hit_position = scint_center + dist_from_center hit_position = min(sscin_pos_coord(ihit),hit_position) hit_position = max(sscin_neg_coord(ihit),hit_position) sscin_dec_hit_coord(ihit) = hit_position * Get corrected time. pos_path = sscin_pos_coord(ihit) - hit_position neg_path = hit_position - sscin_neg_coord(ihit) postime(ihit) = postime(ihit) - pos_path/sscin_vel_light(ihit) negtime(ihit) = negtime(ihit) - neg_path/sscin_vel_light(ihit) sscin_cor_time(ihit) = ( postime(ihit) + negtime(ihit) )/2. else !only 1 tube fired sscin_dec_hit_coord(ihit) = 0. sscin_cor_time(ihit) = 0. !not a very good 'flag', but there is ! the logical stwo_good_hits. endif enddo !loop over hits to find ave time,adc. * start time calculation. assume xp=yp=0 radians. project all * time values to focal plane. use average for start time. time_num = 0 time_sum = 0. do ihit = 1 , sscin_tot_hits if (stwo_good_times(ihit)) then fptime = sscin_cor_time(ihit) - sscin_zpos(ihit)/(29.979*sbeta_pcent) call hf1(sidscinalltimes,fptime,1.) if (abs(fptime-sstart_time_center).le.sstart_time_slop) then time_sum = time_sum + fptime time_num = time_num + 1 endif endif enddo if (time_num.eq.0) then sgood_start_time = .false. sstart_time = sstart_time_center else sgood_start_time = .true. sstart_time = time_sum / float(time_num) endif * Dump decoded bank if sdebugprintscindec is set if( sdebugprintscindec .ne. 0) call s_prt_dec_scin(ABORT,errmsg) * Calculate beta without finding track (to reject cosmics for efficiencies) * using tube only if both pmts fired since the velocity correction is * position (track) dependant. * Fitting routine fills variables assuming track=1. do plane = 1 , snum_scin_planes goodtime(plane)=.false. enddo do ihit = 1 , sscin_tot_hits sgood_scin_time(dumtrk,ihit)=.false. if (stwo_good_times(ihit)) then !require 2 tubes to be track indep. if (abs(fptime-sstart_time_center).le.sstart_time_slop) then !throw out outliers. sgood_scin_time(dumtrk,ihit)=.true. sscin_time(ihit)=sscin_cor_time(ihit) sscin_sigma(ihit)=sqrt(sscin_neg_sigma(ihit)**2 + & sscin_pos_sigma(ihit)**2)/2. goodtime(sscin_plane_num(ihit))=.true. endif endif enddo * Fit beta if there are enough time measurements (one upper, one lower) if ((goodtime(1) .or. goodtime(2)) .and. 1 (goodtime(3) .or. goodtime(4))) then sxp_fp(dumtrk)=0.0 syp_fp(dumtrk)=0.0 call s_tof_fit(abort,errmsg,dumtrk) !fit velocity of particle if (abort) then call g_prepend(here,errmsg) return endif sbeta_notrk = sbeta(dumtrk) sbeta_chisq_notrk = sbeta_chisq(dumtrk) else sbeta_notrk = 0. sbeta_chisq_notrk = -1. endif return end