SUBROUTINE G_reconstruction(event,ABORT,err) *---------------------------------------------------------------------- *- Prototype hall C reconstruction routine *- *- Purpose and Methods : Given previously filled data structures, *- reconstruction is performed and status returned *- *- Inputs: *- event Pointer to the first word (length) of an event data bank. *- *- Output: ABORT - success or failure *- : err - reason for failure, if any *- *- Created 20-Oct-1993 Kevin B. Beard *- Modified 20-Nov-1993 KBB for new error routines * $Log: g_reconstruction.f,v $ * Revision 1.2 1998/12/01 20:59:06 saw * (SAW) Checkin * *- *- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software *- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993 *- *-------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE SAVE * integer*4 event(*) * character*16 here parameter (here= 'G_reconstruction') * logical ABORT character*(*) err * INCLUDE 'gen_data_structures.cmn' INCLUDE 'gen_event_info.cmn' INCLUDE 'hack_.cmn' * logical FAIL character*1024 why * logical update_peds ! TRUE = There is new pedestal data *-------------------------------------------------------- * ABORT= .FALSE. err= ' ' !erase any old errors * call G_decode_event_by_banks(event,ABORT,err) IF(ABORT) THEN call G_add_path(here,err) RETURN ENDIF * * * INTERRUPT ANALYSIS FOR PEDESTAL EVENTS. * * IF(gen_event_type .eq. 4) then !pedestal event call g_analyze_pedestal(ABORT,err) update_peds = .true. !need to recalculate pedestals RETURN ENDIF * * check to see if pedestals need to be recalculated. Note that this is only * done if the event was NOT a scaler event, because of the 'return' at the * end of the pedestal handling call. * IF(update_peds) then call g_calc_pedestal(ABORT,err) update_peds = .false. ENDIF * *-Beamline reconstruction IF(( then !HMS/POLDER/COIN trig call g_trans_misc(FAIL,why) IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN call G_append(err,' & '//why) ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN err= why ENDIF ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL call g_analyze_misc(FAIL,why) IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN call G_append(err,' & '//why) ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN err= why ENDIF ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL ENDIF * *-HMS reconstruction IF(( then !HMS/COIN trig call H_reconstruction(FAIL,why) IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN call G_append(err,' & '//why) ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN err= why ENDIF ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL ENDIF * *-POLDER reconstruction (T20 experiment) IF(( then !Polder/COIN trig call t_reconstruction(FAIL,why) IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN call G_append(err,' & '//why) ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN err= why ENDIF ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL ENDIF * *-Fill histogram(s) with scaler values, for all event types IF( then !physics events call g_scaler(FAIL,why) IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN call G_append(err,' & '//why) ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN err= why ENDIF ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL ENDIF * *-COIN reconstruction *+++ gen_event_type 1 is an HMS single gen_event_type 2 is POLDER single *++ and gen_event_type 4 is a pedestal IF(( then !COIN trig call C_reconstruction(FAIL,why) IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN call G_append(err,' & '//why) ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN err= why ENDIF ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL ENDIF * IF(ABORT .or. err.NE.' ') call G_add_path(here,err) * IF( then call hack_anal(FAIL,why) IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN call G_append(err,' & '//why) ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN err= why ENDIF ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL ENDIF * RETURN END