c***** definition common POLDER variables c***** --> used to fill the polder structures c***** <-- filled after analysis by polder structures c***** j.s. real 14 feb 1997 c***** DO NOT CHANGE THIS FILE BY HAND! c***** This file is generate from def_polder_structures.h (1) c***** using exp_structures translation software. c***** The following definitions and the order of commons block c***** are very sensitive and should be the same as in (1) c * $Log: t20_reg_polder_structures.cmn,v $ * Revision 1.1 1998/12/01 21:05:04 saw * Initial revision * * CTPTYPE=parm c structure /file/ ! 22 + 544 + 43 + 120 int*4 = logical*4 tfile_open integer*4 tfile_iunit character*8 tfile_name integer*4 tfile_record integer*4 tfile_runnb character*20 tfile_device integer*4 tfile_position character*4 tfile_sort real*4 tfile_Ed integer*4 tfile_divNinci integer*4 tfile_posHod real*4 tfile_cur_HMS real*4 tfile_ang_HMS integer*4 tfile_q2_point integer*4 tfile_tailleBuf integer*4 tfile_longBufRead integer*4 tfile_numBuf integer*4 tfile_NBevent integer*4 tfile_NbCEevent integer*4 tfile_nbevtreste integer*4 tfile_nbposfinDeBurst integer*4 tfile_cuts_tdc_shift ! value of shift for raw tdc cuts (spectra random) integer*4 tfile_cuts_diftdcinf(4) ! Lower (inferior) cut on the difference in time betwee integer*4 tfile_cuts_diftdcsup(4) ! Upper (superior) cut on the difference in time betwee real*4 tfile_cuts_mwpcxinf(3) ! Lower cut on the x position of a hit in a MWPC real*4 tfile_cuts_mwpcyinf(3) ! Lower cut on the y position of a hit in a MWPC real*4 tfile_cuts_mwpcxsup(3) ! Upper cut on the x position of a hit in a MWPC real*4 tfile_cuts_mwpcysup(3) ! Upper cut on the y position of a hit in a MWPC integer*4 tfile_cuts_fenmin(3,2) ! Lower cut on the wire hit-time in MWPC 1 and 2 integer*4 tfile_cuts_fenmax(3,2) ! Upper cut on the wire hit-time in MWPC 1 and 2 integer*4 tfile_cuts_adcmin(3) ! Lower cut on the QDC spectra deuteron integer*4 tfile_cuts_adcmax(3) ! Upper cut on the QDC spectra deuteron integer*4 tfile_cuts_adcminp(3) ! Lower cut on the QDC spectra proton integer*4 tfile_cuts_adcmaxp(3) ! Upper cut on the QDC spectra proton integer*4 tfile_cuts_tofmin(1:6) ! Lower cut on the time coincidence integer*4 tfile_cuts_tofmax(1:6) ! Upper cut on the time coincidence integer*4 tfile_cuts_RpLmin(3) ! Lower cut on the right plus left spectra for the planes integer*4 tfile_cuts_RpLmax(3) ! Upper cut on the right plus left spectra for the planes integer*4 tfile_cuts_tbbi(0:29,4) ! Lower cuts on the raw TDC spectra for the individual integer*4 tfile_cuts_tbbs(0:29,4) ! Upper cuts on the raw TDC spectra for the individual integer*4 tfile_cuts_tcbi(0:29,4) ! Lower cuts on the corrected TDC spectra for the indiv integer*4 tfile_cuts_tcbs(0:29,4) ! Upper cuts on the corrected TDC spectra for the indiv real*4 tfile_cuts_raypmax ! Exterior cone cut for PH real*4 tfile_cuts_raygmax ! Exterior cone cut for GH real*4 tfile_cuts_raypmin ! inner cone cut for PH real*4 tfile_cuts_raypmin33 ! inner cone cut for PH mul. 3 x 3 real*4 tfile_cuts_raygmin ! inner cone cut for GH real*4 tfile_cuts_raygmin33 ! iner cone cut for GH mul. 3 x 3 real*4 tfile_cuts_rayopt ! optique ray for tuning d channel character*80 tfile_param_dirdata character*80 tfile_param_dirzero character*80 tfile_param_dircumul character*80 tfile_param_dirresult integer*4 tfile_param_user_cuts integer*4 tfile_param_nPC integer*4 tfile_param_nConf integer*4 tfile_param_refgene(3) integer*4 tfile_param_paramEvent(0:20) real*4 tfile_param_dph real*4 tfile_param_dgh real*4 tfile_param_dispg real*4 tfile_param_dispg2 real*4 tfile_param_dph2 real*4 tfile_param_dgh2 real*4 tfile_param_dis2c real*4 tfile_param_dghch1 real*4 tfile_param_dphch1 real*4 tfile_param_convtq real*4 tfile_param_cexch1 real*4 tfile_param_ceych1 real*4 tfile_param_xpme real*4 tfile_param_ypme real*4 tfile_param_xgme real*4 tfile_param_ygme real*4 tfile_param_beta real*4 tfile_corre_abstdc(0:29,4) ! Correction to bring the center of each each hodoscope c end structure common/polder_file/ &tfile_open, &tfile_iunit, &tfile_name, &tfile_record, &tfile_runnb, &tfile_device, &tfile_position, &tfile_sort, &tfile_Ed, &tfile_divNinci, &tfile_posHod, &tfile_cur_HMS, &tfile_ang_HMS, &tfile_q2_point, &tfile_tailleBuf, &tfile_longBufRead, &tfile_numBuf, &tfile_NBevent, &tfile_NbCEevent, &tfile_nbevtreste, &tfile_nbposfinDeBurst, &tfile_cuts_tdc_shift, &tfile_cuts_diftdcinf, &tfile_cuts_diftdcsup, &tfile_cuts_mwpcxinf, &tfile_cuts_mwpcyinf, &tfile_cuts_mwpcxsup, &tfile_cuts_mwpcysup, &tfile_cuts_fenmin, &tfile_cuts_fenmax, &tfile_cuts_adcmin, &tfile_cuts_adcmax, &tfile_cuts_adcminp, &tfile_cuts_adcmaxp, &tfile_cuts_tofmin, &tfile_cuts_tofmax, &tfile_cuts_RpLmin, &tfile_cuts_RpLmax, &tfile_cuts_tbbi, &tfile_cuts_tbbs, &tfile_cuts_tcbi, &tfile_cuts_tcbs, &tfile_cuts_raypmax, &tfile_cuts_raygmax, &tfile_cuts_raypmin, &tfile_cuts_raypmin33, &tfile_cuts_raygmin, &tfile_cuts_raygmin33, &tfile_cuts_rayopt, &tfile_param_dirdata, &tfile_param_dirzero, &tfile_param_dircumul, &tfile_param_dirresult, &tfile_param_user_cuts, &tfile_param_nPC, &tfile_param_nConf, &tfile_param_refgene, &tfile_param_paramEvent, &tfile_param_dph, &tfile_param_dgh, &tfile_param_dispg, &tfile_param_dispg2, &tfile_param_dph2, &tfile_param_dgh2, &tfile_param_dis2c, &tfile_param_dghch1, &tfile_param_dphch1, &tfile_param_convtq, &tfile_param_cexch1, &tfile_param_ceych1, &tfile_param_xpme, &tfile_param_ypme, &tfile_param_xgme, &tfile_param_ygme, &tfile_param_beta, &tfile_corre_abstdc * CTPTYPE=event c structure /event/ logical*4 tfinDeBurst logical*4 tVeto logical*4 tBeamSampl logical*4 tGeneCh3 logical*4 tCE logical*4 tT3 logical*4 tmwpc_ok logical*4 tgood_event logical*4 ttc_tof_ok logical*4 ttc_adc_ok logical*4 ttc_mwpc_ok integer*4 tnbpartch integer*4 tTdc_Veto integer*4 tadc_Veto1 integer*4 tadc_Veto2 integer*4 tadc_Vetosum integer*4 tspin integer*4 ttof(1:6) integer*4 tadc_s11 integer*4 tadc_s12 integer*4 tadc_s1sum integer*4 tadc_s21 integer*4 tadc_s22 integer*4 tadc_s2sum integer*4 ttdc_s11 integer*4 ttdc_s12 integer*4 ttdc_s21 integer*4 ttdc_s22 integer*4 tnumburst integer*4 tparamEvent(0:20) integer*4 tmwpc1_nbp(3) integer*4 tmwpc1_fil(40,3) integer*4 tmwpc1_temps(0:158,3) logical*4 tmwpc1_mwpc_ok(0:3) integer*4 tmwpc1_nbpart(3) integer*4 tmwpc2_nbp(3) integer*4 tmwpc2_fil(40,3) integer*4 tmwpc2_temps(0:158,3) logical*4 tmwpc2_mwpc_ok(0:3) integer*4 tmwpc2_nbpart(3) integer*4 tmwpc3_R(3) integer*4 tmwpc3_L(3) integer*4 tmwpc3_RmL(3) integer*4 tmwpc3_RpL(3) logical*4 tmwpc3_mwpc_ok(0:3) integer*4 tmwpc3_nbpart(3) integer*4 thod1_nbp integer*4 thod1_barre(100) integer*4 thod1_tdcb(100) integer*4 thod1_tdc(100) integer*4 thod2_nbp integer*4 thod2_barre(100) integer*4 thod2_tdcb(100) integer*4 thod2_tdc(100) integer*4 thod3_nbp integer*4 thod3_barre(100) integer*4 thod3_tdcb(100) integer*4 thod3_tdc(100) integer*4 thod4_nbp integer*4 thod4_barre(100) integer*4 thod4_tdcb(100) integer*4 thod4_tdc(100) integer*4 thod5_nbp integer*4 thod5_barre(100) integer*4 thod5_tdcb(100) integer*4 thod5_tdc(100) integer*4 thod6_nbp integer*4 thod6_barre(100) integer*4 thod6_tdcb(100) integer*4 thod6_tdc(100) integer*4 tdeuton1_type ! 1=deutce, 2=prot, 3=deutbruit real*4 tdeuton1_dir(4) ! x, y, z, norm real*4 tdeuton1_x(6) ! ch1, ch2, cible, ho1, ho2, ch3 real*4 tdeuton1_y(6) real*4 tdeuton1_z(6) real*4 tdeuton1_raypmieu real*4 tdeuton1_rayp real*4 tdeuton1_raygmieu real*4 tdeuton1_rayg integer*4 tdeuton1_tof integer*4 tdeuton1_hms_tof integer*4 tdeuton1_mh_tof(16) integer*4 tdeuton1_mh_hms_tof(16) integer*4 tdeuton2_type ! 1=deutce, 2=prot, 3=deutbruit real*4 tdeuton2_dir(4) ! x, y, z, norm real*4 tdeuton2_x(6) ! ch1, ch2, cible, ho1, ho2, ch3 real*4 tdeuton2_y(6) real*4 tdeuton2_z(6) real*4 tdeuton2_raypmieu real*4 tdeuton2_rayp real*4 tdeuton2_raygmieu real*4 tdeuton2_rayg integer*4 tdeuton2_tof integer*4 tdeuton2_hms_tof integer*4 tdeuton2_mh_tof(16) integer*4 tdeuton2_mh_hms_tof(16) real*4 tproton1_dir(4) ! x, y, z, norm real*4 tproton1_x(4) ! cible, ho1, ho2, ch3 real*4 tproton1_y(4) real*4 tproton1_z(4) real*4 tproton1_rayp real*4 tproton1_rayg real*4 tproton1_tdcbrut(4) ! ho1x, ho1y, ho2x, ho2y real*4 tproton1_tdccorr(4) real*4 tproton1_barhod(4) real*4 tproton2_dir(4) ! x, y, z, norm real*4 tproton2_x(4) ! cible, ho1, ho2, ch3 real*4 tproton2_y(4) real*4 tproton2_z(4) real*4 tproton2_rayp real*4 tproton2_rayg real*4 tproton2_tdcbrut(4) ! ho1x, ho1y, ho2x, ho2y real*4 tproton2_tdccorr(4) real*4 tproton2_barhod(4) real*4 tcpp_dir(4) ! x, y, z, norm real*4 tcpp_x(4) ! cible, ho1, ho2, ch3 real*4 tcpp_y(4) real*4 tcpp_z(4) real*4 tcpp_diftdc(4) ! ho1x, ho1y, ho2x, ho2y real*4 tcpp_tetaqk real*4 tcpp_tetaerl real*4 tcpp_erl real*4 tcpp_teta real*4 tcpp_q real*4 tcpp_phi c end structure common/polder_event/ &tfinDeBurst, tVeto, tBeamSampl, tGeneCh3, tCE, tT3, &tmwpc_ok, tgood_event, ttc_tof_ok, ttc_adc_ok, ttc_mwpc_ok, &tnbpartch, tTdc_Veto, &tadc_Veto1, tadc_Veto2, tadc_Vetosum, tspin, &ttof, &tadc_s11, tadc_s12, tadc_s1sum, tadc_s21, tadc_s22, tadc_s2sum, &ttdc_s11, ttdc_s12, ttdc_s21, ttdc_s22, &tnumburst, tparamEvent, &tmwpc1_nbp, tmwpc1_fil, tmwpc1_temps, tmwpc1_mwpc_ok, tmwpc1_nbpart, &tmwpc2_nbp, &tmwpc2_fil, &tmwpc2_temps, &tmwpc2_mwpc_ok, &tmwpc2_nbpart, &tmwpc3_R, &tmwpc3_L, &tmwpc3_RmL, &tmwpc3_RpL, &tmwpc3_mwpc_ok, &tmwpc3_nbpart, &thod1_nbp, &thod1_barre, &thod1_tdcb, &thod1_tdc, &thod2_nbp, &thod2_barre, &thod2_tdcb, &thod2_tdc, &thod3_nbp, &thod3_barre, &thod3_tdcb, &thod3_tdc, &thod4_nbp, &thod4_barre, &thod4_tdcb, &thod4_tdc, &thod5_nbp, &thod5_barre, &thod5_tdcb, &thod5_tdc, &thod6_nbp, &thod6_barre, &thod6_tdcb, &thod6_tdc, &tdeuton1_type, &tdeuton1_dir, &tdeuton1_x, &tdeuton1_y, &tdeuton1_z, &tdeuton1_raypmieu, &tdeuton1_rayp, &tdeuton1_raygmieu, &tdeuton1_rayg, &tdeuton1_tof, &tdeuton1_hms_tof, &tdeuton1_mh_tof, &tdeuton1_mh_hms_tof, &tdeuton2_type, &tdeuton2_dir, &tdeuton2_x, &tdeuton2_y, &tdeuton2_z, &tdeuton2_raypmieu, &tdeuton2_rayp, &tdeuton2_raygmieu, &tdeuton2_rayg, &tdeuton2_tof, &tdeuton2_hms_tof, &tdeuton2_mh_tof, &tdeuton2_mh_hms_tof, &tproton1_dir, &tproton1_x, &tproton1_y, &tproton1_z, &tproton1_rayp, &tproton1_rayg, &tproton1_tdcbrut, &tproton1_tdccorr, &tproton1_barhod, &tproton2_dir, &tproton2_x, &tproton2_y, &tproton2_z, &tproton2_rayp, &tproton2_rayg, &tproton2_tdcbrut, &tproton2_tdccorr, &tproton2_barhod, &tcpp_dir, &tcpp_x, &tcpp_y, &tcpp_z, &tcpp_diftdc, &tcpp_tetaqk, &tcpp_tetaerl, &tcpp_erl, &tcpp_teta, &tcpp_q, &tcpp_phi