SUBROUTINE T_reset_event(ABORT,err) *-------------------------------------------------------- *- Prototype C analysis routine *- *- *- Purpose and Methods : Resets all T20 quantities at the beginning of the run *- *- *- Output: ABORT - success or failure *- : err - reason for failure, if any *- *- Created 22-Jan-1997 Stephen A. Wood *- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software *- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993 * $Log: t_reset_event.f,v $ * Revision 1.1 1998/12/01 20:54:42 saw * Initial revision * *- *-------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE SAVE * character*13 here parameter (here= 'T_reset_event') * logical ABORT character*(*) err * INCLUDE 't20_data_structures.cmn' include 't20_misc.cmn' include 't20_hms.cmn' INCLUDE 'gen_data_structures.cmn' INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn' c include 'gen_misc.cmn' include 'hms_tracking.cmn' c include 'hms_pedestals.cmn' c include 'hms_scin_parms.cmn' * INTEGER hit * *-------------------------------------------------------- * DO hit= 1,TMAX_MWPC_HITS TMWPC_RAW_PLANE_NUM(hit) = 0 TMWPC_RAW_WIRE_NUM(hit) = 0 TMWPC_RAW_TDC(hit) = 0 ENDDO TMWPC_RAW_TOT_HITS = 0 * DO hit= 1,TMAX_HODO_HITS THODO_PLANE_NUM(hit) = 0 THODO_BAR_NUM(hit) = 0 THODO_TDC_VAL(hit) = 0 ENDDO THODO_TOT_HITS = 0 * DO hit= 1,TMAX_MISC_HITS TMISC_RAW_ADDR1(hit) = 0 TMISC_RAW_ADDR2(hit) = 0 TMISC_RAW_DATA(hit) = 0 ENDDO TMISC_TOT_HITS = 0 DO hit= 1,TTSTMAX_STRAW_HITS TTST_RAW_PLANE_NUM(hit) = 0 TTST_RAW_GROUP_NUM(hit) = 0 TTST_RAW_TDC(hit) = 0 ENDDO TTST_RAW_TOT_HITS = 0 c reset variables calculated in t_hms.f tsinhtheta = -2. te_v = 0. thms_td1 = 0. thms_td2 = 0. tq2 = 0. c c Note: These don't really belong here (saw) c hstheta = 0. hsenergy = 0. hfoundtrack = .false. hcleantrack = .false. hntracks_fp = 0 ABORT= .FALSE. err= ' ' RETURN END