subroutine find_space_points(ncham_hits, & hit_number, wire_center, plane_number,space_point_criterion, & xsp,ysp,nspace_point_len, & nspace_points,space_points,space_point_hits) * Created D.F. Geesaman Sept 1993 * $Log: find_space_points.f,v $ * Revision 1.6 1996/01/17 19:20:25 cdaq * (JRA) Misc. fixes, reindent * * Revision 1.5 1995/07/28 15:18:35 cdaq * (SAW) Change print to type for f2c * * Revision 1.4 1994/10/11 20:00:44 cdaq * (JRA) Remove bug that allowed double counting of hits * * Revision 1.3 1994/04/12 20:23:53 cdaq * (DFG) Change dim of combos from max_number_pairs to max_number_comb * * Revision 1.2 1994/02/23 13:34:09 cdaq * (SAW) Change 2nd arg of space_points_hits declaration from 1 to * * * Revision 1.1 1994/02/19 06:12:06 cdaq * Initial revision * * * This algorithm finds space points in a wire chamber by finding the * intersection of each pair of hits in non-parallel planes, * then combining all two-hit space points that are within a squared * distance space_point_criterion. implicit none * input integer*4 ncham_hits ! total number of hits in chamber integer*4 hit_number(*) ! array of hit numbers integer*4 plane_number(*) ! array of plane numbers for each hit real*4 wire_center(*) ! array of wire coordinates for hits real*4 xsp(*),ysp(*) ! arrays of geometrical factors ! see pattern recognition writeup real*4 space_point_criterion ! squared distance limit for points integer*4 nspace_point_len ! dimension of space point arrays * * outputs integer*4 nspace_points ! number of space points in chamber real*4 space_points(nspace_point_len,2) ! xt, yt of each space point integer*4 space_point_hits(nspace_point_len,*) * ! hit numbers for each space point ! (,1) number of hits ! (,2) number of combanations attached ! to the point ! (,3).. hits associated with space point * * * internal variables integer*4 ipair1,ipair2,icombo,i,j ! do loop variables integer*4 loopsp,loop,hit(4),hit_point integer*4 add_flag,iflag(4) integer*4 max_number_pairs ! max number of pairs of points parameter (max_number_pairs=1000) integer*4 pair(max_number_pairs,2) ! hit1 hit2 integer*4 ntest_points ! number of valid combinations integer*4 plane1,plane2 real*4 test_points(max_number_pairs,2) ! x and y of each test point real*4 determinate,xt,yt integer*4 max_number_comb parameter (max_number_comb=10*max_number_pairs) integer*4 ncombo integer*4 combos(max_number_comb,2) ! pair1 and pair2 of each combo real*4 sqdistance_test * nspace_points=0 ntest_points=0 * * loop over all pairs of intersecting wires and calculate position do ipair1=1,ncham_hits-1 do ipair2=ipair1+1,ncham_hits if( then plane1=plane_number(ipair1) plane2=plane_number(ipair2) determinate=xsp(plane1)*ysp(plane2)-ysp(plane1)*xsp(plane2) if(abs(determinate) .gt. 0.3 ) then !0.3 is sin(alpha1-alpha2)=sin(17.5) ntest_points=ntest_points+1 pair(ntest_points,1)=hit_number(ipair1) pair(ntest_points,2)=hit_number(ipair2) test_points(ntest_points,1)= & (wire_center(ipair1)*ysp(plane2)-wire_center(ipair2) $ *ysp(plane1))/ determinate test_points(ntest_points,2)= & (wire_center(ipair2)*xsp(plane1)-wire_center(ipair1) $ *xsp(plane2))/ determinate endif ! end if for indeterminate planes endif ! end test on too many pairs enddo ! end loop over pair2 enddo ! end loop over pair1 * * loop over all test_points and calculate squared distance * for each combination * ncombo=0 do ipair1=1,ntest_points-1 do ipair2=ipair1+1,ntest_points if( then sqdistance_test= & (test_points(ipair1,1)-test_points(ipair2,1))**2 + & (test_points(ipair1,2)-test_points(ipair2,2))**2 if(sqdistance_test.le.space_point_criterion) then ncombo=ncombo+1 combos(ncombo,1)=ipair1 combos(ncombo,2)=ipair2 endif endif ! end test on too many combos enddo ! end loop over pair2 enddo ! end loop over pair1 * * loop over all valid combinations and build space points if( then do icombo=1,ncombo * get hits in combo hit(1)=pair(combos(icombo,1),1) hit(2)=pair(combos(icombo,1),2) hit(3)=pair(combos(icombo,2),1) hit(4)=pair(combos(icombo,2),2) * get average space point xt, yt xt=(test_points(combos(icombo,1),1) $ +test_points(combos(icombo,2),1))/2 yt=(test_points(combos(icombo,1),2) $ +test_points(combos(icombo,2),2))/2 * * loop over space_points if( then loopsp=1 add_flag=1 do while (loopsp .le. nspace_points) if(space_point_hits(loopsp,1).gt.0) then sqdistance_test=(xt-space_points(loopsp,1))**2 + & (yt-space_points(loopsp,2))**2 * I want to be careful if sqdistance is between 1 and * 3 space_point_criterion. Let me ignore not add a new point then if( (3.*space_point_criterion)) then add_flag=0 ! do not add new space point endif if( then * This is a real match. * Add the new hits to existing space point iflag(1)=0 iflag(2)=0 iflag(3)=0 iflag(4)=0 do loop=1,space_point_hits(loopsp,1) do i=1,4 if(space_point_hits(loopsp,loop+2).eq.hit(i)) then iflag(i)=1 endif enddo ! end loop on i enddo ! end loop over hits in space point * if 2 hits in the combo are identicle, both might get in. Remove all but one do i=1,3 do j=i+1,4 if (hit(j).eq.hit(i)) iflag(j)=1 enddo enddo do i=1,4 if(iflag(i).eq.0) then hit_point=space_point_hits(loopsp,1)+1 space_point_hits(loopsp,1)=hit_point space_point_hits(loopsp,hit_point+2)=hit(i) endif enddo ! end loop over 4 hits * increment number of combos contributing to this space point space_point_hits(loopsp,2)=space_point_hits(loopsp,2)+1 * terminate loop since this combo can only belong to one * space point loopsp=nspace_points+1 endif endif ! end check on number of hits loopsp=loopsp+1 ! increment loop counter on return enddo ! end do while loop over space points * create a new space point if more than 2*space_point_criteria if( then if( then nspace_points=nspace_points+1 space_point_hits(nspace_points,1)=2 space_point_hits(nspace_points,2)=1 space_point_hits(nspace_points,3)=hit(1) space_point_hits(nspace_points,4)=hit(2) space_points(nspace_points,1)=xt space_points(nspace_points,2)=yt if(hit(1).ne.hit(3) .and. hit(2) .ne. hit(3)) then hit_point=space_point_hits(nspace_points,1)+1 space_point_hits(nspace_points,1)=hit_point space_point_hits(nspace_points,hit_point+2)=hit(3) endif ! if(hit(1).ne.hit(4) .and. hit(2) .ne. hit(4)) then hit_point=space_point_hits(nspace_points,1)+1 space_point_hits(nspace_points,1)= hit_point space_point_hits(nspace_points,hit_point+2)=hit(4) endif endif ! endif on check if too many space points endif ! endif to add point on add_flag else * create first space point nspace_points=1 space_point_hits(nspace_points,1)=2 space_point_hits(nspace_points,2)=1 space_point_hits(nspace_points,3)=hit(1) space_point_hits(nspace_points,4)=hit(2) space_points(nspace_points,1)=xt space_points(nspace_points,2)=yt if(hit(1).ne.hit(3) .and. hit(2) .ne. hit(3)) then hit_point=space_point_hits(nspace_points,1)+1 space_point_hits(nspace_points,1)=hit_point space_point_hits(nspace_points,hit_point+2)=hit(3) endif ! if(hit(1).ne.hit(4) .and. hit(2) .ne. hit(4)) then hit_point=space_point_hits(nspace_points,1)+1 space_point_hits(nspace_points,1)= hit_point space_point_hits(nspace_points,hit_point+2)=hit(4) endif endif ! end check on 0 space points enddo ! end loop over combos endif ! end check if no valid combos return end