subroutine select_space_points(nspace_point_len, & nspace_points,space_points,space_point_hits,min_hits,min_combos, & easy_space_point) * This routine goes through the list of space_points and space_point_hits * found by find_space_points and only accepts those with * number of hits > min_hits * number of combinations > min_combos * dfg 30 august 1993 * $Log: select_space_points.f,v $ * Revision 1.3 1996/01/17 19:20:48 cdaq * (JRA) Add eash_space_point argument * * Revision 1.2 1994/02/23 13:52:40 cdaq * (SAW) Change 2nd arg of space_points_hits declaration from 1 to * * * Revision 1.1 1994/02/21 16:44:23 cdaq * Initial revision * implicit none * inputs integer*4 nspace_point_len ! dimension variable for two-d arrays integer*4 nspace_points ! number of input points ! on return it is the number of valid ! space points integer*4 space_points(nspace_point_len,2) integer*4 space_point_hits(nspace_point_len,*) integer*4 min_hits ! minimum number of hits in valid point integer*4 min_combos ! minimum number of combos logical easy_space_point ! flag for having found easy space pt. * * outputs * note nspace_points, space_points, and space_point_hits are all * modified by the action of this routine * local variables integer*4 space_point_count,ploop,hloop * space_point_count=0 do ploop=1,nspace_points * if easy_space_point, then the number of combos is not filled. if(space_point_hits(ploop,2).ge.min_combos.or.easy_space_point) then if(space_point_hits(ploop,1).ge.min_hits) then space_point_count=space_point_count+1 space_points(space_point_count,1)=space_points(ploop,1) space_points(space_point_count,2)=space_points(ploop,2) do hloop=1,space_point_hits(ploop,1)+2 space_point_hits(space_point_count,hloop)= & space_point_hits(ploop,hloop) enddo endif endif enddo nspace_points=space_point_count return end