subroutine total_eloss(arm,prt,angle,beta,e_loss) *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *- Prototype C routine *- *- *- Purpose and Method : In separate calls, calculate the energy loss for *- the incident electron in the target OR the energy *- loss for exiting particles in the target and *- other materials like windows. Cryogenic targets *- must be beer-can cells. Solid targets are okay too. *- Ytarget information is NOT used; all calculations *- assume the reaction vertex is at the target center. *- *- Output: loss - energy loss for the arm requested *- Created 1-Dec-1995 Rolf Ent * * $Log: total_eloss.f,v $ * Revision 2007/11/29 18:32:13 cdaq * commented out "eloss > 1e-2" error message * * Revision 2007/10/24 17:00:42 cdaq * some modifications for BigCal * * Revision 2007/10/23 17:04:04 cdaq * Added eloss calculation for materials in front of BigCal * * Revision 2007/08/07 19:12:46 puckett * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 1.8 2003/09/05 20:06:07 jones * Merge in online03 changes (mkj) * * Revision 2003/04/09 02:59:10 cdaq * Changed gtarg_type from a scaler to an array: gtarg_type(gtarg_num) * * Revision 1.7 2002/12/27 22:21:55 jones * a. Ioana Niculescu made major changes in the subroutine call variables. * b. Code now expects to get target info from parameter files. * c. include gen_run_info.cmn * d. Many more checks that nonzero parameter values are present. * Corrects problem with checking variable 'angle' instead of 'tgangle' * e. Has either beer can or tuna can. * f. Use gtarg_type = 1 tuna can,2 beer can, >=21 solid and assume * gtarg_type <=20 is liquid rather than based on target z. * * * Wed Aug 16 14:25:55 EDT 2000 * replaced switch old_tgeom with with run number check B.Z * * Revision 1.6 1999/09/03 13:22:51 meod * Added tuna-can geometry. Added switch, old_tgeom, to enable * old beer can geometry * * Revision 1.6 1999/09/03 13:22:51 saw * Explicitely type 0.1 constand in max as double * * Revision 1.5 1999/06/10 16:59:37 csa * (CSA) Removed debugging statement * * Revision 1.4 1999/02/10 17:34:41 csa * Numerous corrections and improvements (D. Mack, K. Vansyoc, J. Volmer) * * Revision 1.2 1996/01/24 16:31:35 saw * (JRA) Cleanup * * Revision 1.1 1996/01/17 19:12:32 cdaq * Initial revision * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ********************** * LH2 and LD2 targets ********************** * * Incoming beam sees the following materials to target center: * 1. a 3.0 mil Al-foil (upstream endcap of target) J. Dunne Dec 96 * 2. half the target thickness * * Any particle exiting target center sees the following materials: * 3. Particle leaves thru side-walls:1.325 inch of target material corrected * for the spectrometer angle, OR * Particle leaves thru downstream window: half the target length, correc- * ted for the spectrometer angle. * * 4. A 5.0 mil Al-foil target wall thickness (J. Dunne Dec 96), corrected * for spectrometer angle. * ****************** * Solid targets: ****************** * * Incoming beam sees the following materials to target center: * 1. half the target thickness, corrected for the spectrometer angle. * * Any particle exiting target center sees the following materials: * 2. half the target thickness, corrected for the spectrometer angle * *************************************************** * Additional materials (irregardless of target): *************************************************** * * effective density for kevlar is 0.74 * * effective z for CH2 is 2.67, effective a is 4.67 * (values confirmed by T. Keppel Mar. 98) * * HMS particles only: * 1. 16 mil Aluminum scattering chamber window (J. Mitchell Feb. 98) * 2. 15 cm of air between chamber window and HMS entrance window. * *effective a for air is 14.68, effective z is 7.32, dens is .00121 * 3. HMS entrance window, 17 mil kevlar and 5 mil mylar. * (values confirmed by T. Keppel Mar. 98) * * SOS particles only: * 1. 8.0 mil Al-foil scattering chamber window (J.Mitchell Feb 98) * 2. 15 cm of air between chamber window and HMS entrance window. * *effective a for air is 14.68, effective z is 7.32, dens is .00121 * 2. SOS entrance window, 6 mil kevlar and 1.5 mil mylar. * (values confirmed by T. Keppel Mar. 98) IMPLICIT NONE SAVE * include 'gen_data_structures.cmn' include 'hms_data_structures.cmn' include 'sos_data_structures.cmn' include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn' include 'gen_run_info.cmn' include 'gen_constants.par' * * INTEGER arm ! 0 : incident beam ! 1 : HMS ! 2 : SOS LOGICAL prt ! .true. : electron ! .false. : non-electron (beta .lt. 1) LOGICAL liquid REAL*4 crit_angle,tg_spect_angle REAL*4 z,a,tgthick,dens,angle,tgangle,beta,type REAL*4 thick,thick_side,thick_front,e_loss,total_loss REAL*4 targ_win_loss,front_loss,back_loss,cell_wall_loss REAL*4 scat_win_loss,air_loss,h_win_loss,s_win_loss,b_abs_loss REAL*4 b_luc_loss,b_fpl_loss REAL*4 electron REAL*8 beta_temp,gamma_temp,X_temp,frac_temp,p_temp REAL*4 velocity ********************INITIALIZE ENERGY LOSS VARIABLES***************** e_loss = 0.0 total_loss = 0.0 targ_win_loss = 0.0 front_loss = 0.0 back_loss = 0.0 cell_wall_loss = 0.0 scat_win_loss = 0.0 air_loss = 0.0 h_win_loss = 0.0 s_win_loss = 0.0 liquid =.FALSE. *********************ENABLE SWITCH*********************************** if (gen_eloss_enable.eq.0.) goto 100 !if 0 don't do eloss correction. ***********************SETUP OF PARAMETERS**************************** * Parameters should be accessed via the various common blocks * No more hardwired #s in the code!!! (I.N. 2001) * * * z,a,tgthick,dens come via a common block * z=gtarg_z(gtarg_num) a=gtarg_a(gtarg_num) tgthick=gtarg_thick(gtarg_num) dens=gtarg_dens(gtarg_num) tgangle=gtarg_theta type=gtarg_type(gtarg_num) *******DIVIDE BY ZERO CHECK************************************** if ((gcell_radius.eq.0.0).or.(gz_cell.eq.0.0).or.(ga_cell.eq.0.0) & .or.(gcell_den.eq.0.0).or.(gwall_thk.eq.0.0).or.(gend_thk.eq.0.0) & .or.(gfront_thk.eq.0.0)) then write(6,*)'Total_eloss: Uninitialized target variable(s)!!!' write(6,*)'gcell_radius = ',gcell_radius write(6,*)'gz_cell = ',gz_cell write(6,*)'ga_cell = ',ga_cell write(6,*)'gcell_den = ',gcell_den write(6,*)'gwall_thk = ',gwall_thk write(6,*)'gend_thk = ',gend_thk write(6,*)'gfront_thk = ',gfront_thk stop elseif ((arm.eq.1).and.((hscat_win_den.eq.0.0).or. & (hscat_win_thk.eq.0.0).or.(hscat_win_z.eq.0.0).or. & (hscat_win_a.eq.0.0).or.(hdet_ent_z.eq.0.0).or. & (hdet_ent_a.eq.0.0))) then write(6,*)'Total_eloss: Uninitialized HMS window specs!!!' stop elseif ((arm.eq.2).and.((sscat_win_den.eq.0.0).or. & (sscat_win_thk.eq.0.0).or.(sscat_win_z.eq.0.0).or. & (sscat_win_a.eq.0.0).or.(sdet_ent_z.eq.0.0).or. & (sdet_ent_a.eq.0.0))) then write(6,*)'Total_eloss: Uninitialized SOS window specs!!!' stop else if((arm.eq.3).and.((bscat_win_den.eq.0.0).or. $ (bscat_win_thk.eq.0.0).or.(bscat_win_z.eq.0).or. $ (bscat_win_a.eq.0.0))) then write(6,*) $ 'Total_eloss: Uninitialized BigCal window specs!!!' stop endif if ((z*a*tgthick*dens*tgangle).eq.0.0) then write(6,*)'Total_eloss: Uninitialized target material!!!' write(6,*) write(6,*)'target angle = ',gtarg_theta write(6,*)'target type = ',type write(6,*)'thickness = ',tgthick write(6,*)'Z = ',z write(6,*)'A = ',A write(6,*)'density = ',dens stop else endif * * If an angle is provided, use it, otherwise use the central * spectrometer angle * if((angle.eq.0.0).and.( then write(6,*)'total_eloss: angle = 0.0, using centr spectr angle (VT)' if (arm.eq.1) angle=htheta_lab*3.14159/180. if (arm.eq.2) angle=stheta_lab*3.14159/180. endif if(( then write(6,*) 'total_eloss: angle = 90 degrees, using centr spectr angle(VT)' if (arm.eq.1) angle=htheta_lab*3.14159/180. if (arm.eq.2) angle=stheta_lab*3.14159/180. if (arm.eq.3) angle=bigcal_theta_rad endif 10 format(7(2x,A10)) 20 format(12x,6(2x,f10.9)) 30 format(5(2x,A10)) 40 format(12x,4(2x,f10.9)) 50 format(12x,3(2x,f10.9)) 60 format(4(A12)) 70 format(10(A11)) 80 format(2x,I9,9(2x,f9.6)) 90 format(7(2x,A10)) 92 format(9(2x,A10)) 134 format(12x,6(2x,f10.9)) 136 format(12x,8(2x,f10.9)) ***********************END SETUP****************************** ******************************************************************************* * With the adoption of a new, beta-dependent energy loss correction formula * for electrons, it became necessary to give the velocity of electrons in terms * of log_10(beta*gamma), since REAL*4 was not good enough to distinguish the * beta of electrons from 1. For hadrons, nothing will change. ******************************************************************************* velocity=0. if( then write(6,'(3A10)') 'gpbeam','hsp','ssp' write(6,'(3(2x,f8.5))') gpbeam,hsp,ssp endif if (prt) then if (arm.eq.0) then p_temp=gpbeam elseif (arm.eq.1) then p_temp=hsp elseif (arm.eq.2) then p_temp=ssp elseif (arm.eq.3) then p_temp=gpbeam else write(6,*) $ 'total_eloss: no arm specified for electron velocity' endif p_temp=max(p_temp,.1D0) frac_temp=mass_electron/p_temp if( then write(6,*) 'total_eloss: p_temp=',p_temp write(6,*) 'total_eloss: frac_temp=',frac_temp endif beta_temp=1./sqrt(1.+frac_temp**2) gamma_temp=sqrt(1.+frac_temp**2)/frac_temp X_temp=log(beta_temp*gamma_temp)/log(10.) velocity=X_temp if(arm.eq.3) then velocity = beta endif else velocity=beta endif ************************************************************************** * Calculate the angle at which the ejectile passes through the side of the * target cell rather than the end. ************************************************************************** if ((type.eq.2).and.( then crit_angle= atan(gcell_radius/(tgthick/dens/2.)) else crit_angle= 0.45 endif ************************************************************************** * Define hydrogen, deuterium and 3,4He as liquid targets: z<=2 ************************************************************************** if (type.le.20) liquid =.TRUE. ************************************************************************** * For debugging purposes, print out the variables that have been given * over to the subroutine ************************************************************************** if ( then electron=0.0 if (prt) electron=1.0 write(6,70) 'arm','electron?','ztgt','atgt','tgtdens','spec_angle' & ,'tgangle','velocity','e_loss' write(6,80) arm,electron,z,a,dens,angle,tgangle,velocity,e_loss write(6,*) ' ' endif ******************************************************************** * Calculate the electron beam energy loss before the target center. ******************************************************************** if(arm.eq.0) then if (liquid) then ! cryo target ! call loss(.true.,gz_cell,ga_cell,gfront_thk,gcell_den !aluminum > ,velocity,targ_win_loss) total_loss = total_loss + targ_win_loss if(type.eq.2) then thick = tgthick/2. !!! beer-can !!! else if (type.eq.1) then thick = gcell_radius*dens !!! tuna-can !!! else write(6,*)'Unknown liquid target specified ',type stop endif call loss(.true.,z,a,thick,dens,velocity,front_loss) !liquid total_loss = total_loss + front_loss else * * Assume that tgangle = 90 deg * corresponds to a target normal to the beam direction * if (abs(sin(tgangle)).ge.0.01) then thick = tgthick/2./abs(sin(tgangle)) else thick = tgthick/2./0.01 endif call loss(.true.,z,a,thick,dens,velocity,front_loss) !liquid total_loss = total_loss + front_loss endif * debug output for electron beam loss if( write(6,60) 'Ebeam loss:','window','front','total' write(6,50) targ_win_loss,front_loss,total_loss write(6,*) ' ' endif e_loss = total_loss goto 100 endif if( then goto 101 endif ********************************************************************* *Calculate the energy loss of ejectile after the target center. ********************************************************************* if (liquid .and. then * Liquid target********* if (type.eq.1) then call loss(prt,z,a,thick,dens,velocity,back_loss) !liquid total_loss = total_loss + back_loss call loss(prt,gz_cell,ga_cell,gfront_thk,gcell_den !aluminum > ,velocity,cell_wall_loss) total_loss = total_loss + cell_wall_loss else * write(6,*)'********************I am HERE*****************(VT)' thick=0.0 thick_front=0.0 thick_side=0.0 * Through the end of the cell. if (angle.le.crit_angle) then if (cos(angle).ge.0.01) then thick = abs(gend_thk/cos(angle)) thick_front= abs(tgthick/2./cos(angle)) else thick = abs(gend_thk/0.01) thick_front= abs(tgthick/2./0.01) endif call loss(prt,z,a,thick_front,dens,velocity,back_loss) !liquid total_loss = total_loss + back_loss call loss(prt,gz_cell,ga_cell,thick,gcell_den,velocity !aluminum > ,cell_wall_loss) total_loss = total_loss + cell_wall_loss * Through the side of the cell. else if (abs(sin(angle)).ge.0.01) then thick = abs(gwall_thk/abs(sin(angle))) thick_side = abs(gcell_radius*dens/abs(sin(angle))) else thick = abs(gwall_thk/0.01) thick_side = abs(gcell_radius*dens/0.01) endif call loss(prt,z,a,thick_side,dens,velocity,back_loss) !liquid total_loss = total_loss + back_loss call loss(prt,gz_cell,ga_cell,thick,gcell_den,velocity !aluminum > ,cell_wall_loss) total_loss = total_loss + cell_wall_loss endif c$$$ if(total_loss.GE.1e-2) c$$$ & write(*,*) arm, velocity, c$$$ & " total_loss ", total_loss, " back_loss ",back_loss," angle ", c$$$ $ angle endif *Solid target************ else * In any ordinary case, the solid target has angle of 90 degrees * with respect to the beam direction: tgangle=90.*degrad * csa 1/5/99 -- Here I define tgangle > 90 deg to mean that the * solid target is facing the SOS. if (arm.eq.1) then ! HMS tg_spect_angle = angle + tgangle elseif (arm.eq.2) then ! SOS tg_spect_angle = angle - tgangle elseif(arm.eq.3) then ! BigCal tg_spect_angle = angle - tgangle else write(6,*)' ' write(6,*)' bad ''arm'' in total_eloss.f' write(6,*)' ' endif if (abs(sin(tg_spect_angle)).ge.0.01) then thick = abs((tgthick/2.)/abs(sin(tg_spect_angle))) else thick = abs((tgthick/2.)/0.01) endif call loss(prt,z,a,thick,dens,velocity,back_loss) !generic solid target total_loss = total_loss + back_loss endif ************************************ * Now calculate the HMS energy loss. ************************************ 101 continue if (arm.eq.1) then ! HMS c write(*,*) "In HMS" * 16 mil aluminum scattering chamber window on HMS side call loss(prt,hscat_win_z,hscat_win_a,hscat_win_thk, & hscat_win_den,velocity,scat_win_loss) !aluminum total_loss = total_loss + scat_win_loss * ENERGY LOSS IN AIR GAP BEWTEEN THE CHAMBER AND THE ENTRANCE WINDOW call loss(prt,gair_z,gair_a,gair_thk,gair_dens,velocity,air_loss) total_loss = total_loss + air_loss * HMS Det. entrance window loss call loss(prt,hdet_ent_z,hdet_ent_a,hdet_ent_thk, & hdet_ent_den,velocity,h_win_loss) !HMS window total_loss = total_loss + h_win_loss e_loss = total_loss *eloss debug HMS if( if(liquid) then write(6,10)'liquid', & 'back','cell_wall','scat_win','air','HMS_win', & 'total' write(6,20) back_loss,cell_wall_loss,scat_win_loss,air_loss, & h_win_loss,total_loss else write(6,30)'solid', 'scat_win','air','HMS_win','total' write(6,40) scat_win_loss,air_loss,h_win_loss,total_loss endif write(6,*) endif endif ************************************* * Now calculate the SOS energy loss. ************************************* if (arm.eq.2) then ! SOS * 8 mil aluminum scattering chamber window on SOS side call loss(prt,sscat_win_z,sscat_win_a,sscat_win_thk, & sscat_win_den,velocity,scat_win_loss) !aluminum total_loss = total_loss + scat_win_loss *ENERGY LOSS IN AIR GAP BEWTEEN THE CHAMBER AND THE ENTRANCE WINDOW call loss(prt,gair_z,gair_a,gair_thk,gair_dens,velocity,air_loss) total_loss = total_loss + air_loss * * SOS Det. entrance window loss call loss(prt,sdet_ent_z,sdet_ent_a,sdet_ent_thk, & sdet_ent_den,velocity,s_win_loss) !SOS window total_loss = total_loss + s_win_loss e_loss = total_loss *eloss debug SOS if( if(liquid) then write(6,10)'liquid', & 'back','cell_wall','scat_win','air','SOS_win', & 'total' write(6,20) back_loss,cell_wall_loss,scat_win_loss,air_loss, & s_win_loss,total_loss else write(6,30)'solid', & 'scat_win','air','SOS_win','total' write(6,40) scat_win_loss,air_loss,s_win_loss,total_loss endif write(6,*) ' ' endif endif **************************************** * Now calculate the BigCal energy loss * **************************************** if(arm.eq.3) then c scattering window on bigcal side!!!! call loss(prt,bscat_win_z,bscat_win_a,bscat_win_thk, $ bscat_win_den,velocity,scat_win_loss) !aluminum total_loss = total_loss + scat_win_loss c air gap between the chamber and the entrance window! call loss(prt,gair_z,gair_a,gair_thk,gair_dens,velocity,air_loss) ! air total_loss = total_loss + air_loss c BigCal Al absorber loss (most significant) call loss(prt,babs_z,babs_a,babs_thk,babs_den,velocity,b_abs_loss) ! absorber total_loss = total_loss + b_abs_loss c BigCal lucite plate loss call loss(prt,bluc_z,bluc_a,bluc_thk,bluc_den,velocity,b_luc_loss) ! lucite total_loss = total_loss + b_luc_loss c BigCal front plate(plates) loss: call loss(prt,bfpl_z,bfpl_a,bfpl_thk,bfpl_den,velocity,b_fpl_loss) ! front plate(s) total_loss = total_loss + b_fpl_loss e_loss = total_loss if( if(liquid) then write(6,92)'liquid', & 'back','cell_wall','scat_win','air','BigCal_abs', & 'BigCal_luc','BigCal_fpl','total' write(6,136) back_loss,cell_wall_loss,scat_win_loss,air_loss, & b_abs_loss,b_luc_loss,b_fpl_loss,total_loss else write(6,90)'solid', & 'scat_win','air','BigCal_abs','Bigcal_luc','BigCal fpl', $ 'total' write(6,134) scat_win_loss,air_loss,b_abs_loss,b_luc_loss,b_fpl_loss, $ total_loss endif write(6,*) ' ' endif endif 100 continue RETURN END *------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine loss(electron,z,a,thick,dens,velocity,e_loss) *------------------------------------------------------------- *- Prototype C function *- *- *- Purpose and Method : Calculate energy loss *- *- Output: - *- Created 1-Dec-1995 Rolf Ent *- *- Verification: The non-electron portion on this subr. is Bethe_Bloch *- equation (Physial Review D vol.50 (1994) 1251 with full *- calculation of Tmax and the density correction. The electron *- part has been switched from O'Brien, Phys. Rev. C9(1974)1418, *- to Bethe-Bloch with relativistic corrections and density *- density correction, Leo, Techniques for Nuclear and Particle *- Physics Experiments *- J. Volmer 8/2/98 16:50 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* IMPLICIT NONE SAVE * include 'gen_data_structures.cmn' include 'hms_data_structures.cmn' include 'sos_data_structures.cmn' * LOGICAL electron REAL*4 eloss,z,a,thick,dens,beta,e_loss REAL*4 icon_ev,me_ev REAL*4 icon_gev,me_gev REAL*4 particle REAL*4 denscorr,hnup,c0,log10bg,pmass,tmax,gamma,velocity REAL*4 tau,betagamma parameter (me_ev = 510999.) parameter (me_gev = 0.000510999) * 91 format(7(A10)) 90 format(7(2x,f8.5)) e_loss = 0.0 eloss = 0.0 ************************************************************************* * for debugging print out all variables that have been passed on tol loss ************************************************************************* ***************************************************************************** * calculate the mean excitation potential I in a newer parametrization * given in W.R. Leo's Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments ***************************************************************************** * csa 1/99 -- Note that this code calculates the mean energy loss, * not the most probable. This is appropriate for the case (as in * Hall C) where the resolution of the measurement is significantly * greater than the energy loss. if ( then icon_ev = 21.8 elseif ( then icon_ev = 12.*z+7. elseif ( then icon_ev = z*(9.76+58.8*z**(-1.19)) endif icon_gev = icon_ev*1.0e-9 ********************************************** * extract the velocity of the particle: * hadrons: velocity = beta * electrons: velocity = log_10(beta*gamma) ********************************************** if (electron) then log10bg=velocity betagamma=exp(velocity*log(10.)) beta=betagamma/(sqrt(1.+betagamma**2)) gamma=sqrt(1.+betagamma**2) tau=gamma-1. elseif (.not.electron) then beta=abs(velocity) * we still need some protection from nonsense values for beta if ( beta=.9995 if (beta.le..1) beta=.1 gamma=1./sqrt(1.-beta**2) betagamma=beta*gamma log10bg=log(betagamma)/log(10.) tau=gamma-1. endif ****************************************************** * calculate the density correction, as given in Leo, * with Sternheimer's parametrization * I is the mean excitation potential of the material * hnup= h*nu_p is the plasma frequency of the material ****************************************************** denscorr=0. if( then HNUP=28.816E-9*sqrt(abs(DENS*Z/A)) else HNUP=28.816E-9*sqrt(abs(DENS*Z/1.)) endif * log(icon_gev/hnup)=log(icon_gev)-log(hnup) C0=-2*(log(icon_gev)-log(hnup)+.5) if( then denscorr=0. elseif( then denscorr=C0+2*log(10.)*log10bg+abs(C0/27.)*(3.-log10bg)**3 elseif( then denscorr=C0+2*log(10.)*log10bg else denscorr=C0+2*log(10.)*4.7 endif ******************************************************************* * for hadrons: calculate the maximum possible energy transfer to an * orbital electron, find out what the hadron mass is ******************************************************************* pmass=me_gev if (.not.electron) then pmass=max(hpartmass,spartmass) if (*me_gev) pmass=0.5 tmax=abs(2*me_gev*beta**2*gamma**2/ > (1+2*abs(gamma)*me_gev/pmass+(me_gev/pmass)**2)) endif ********************************************************************** * now calculate the energy loss for electrons ********************************************************************** * electron if (electron) then if(( > .and.( *jv eloss=0.1535e-03*z/a*thick/beta**2*( *jv > log(tau**2*(tau+2.)/2./(icon_gev/me_gev)**2) *jv > +1-beta**2+(tau**2/8-(2*tau+1)*log(2.))/(tau+1)**2 *jv > -(-(2*log(icon_gev/hnup)+1)+2*log(betagamma))) eloss=0.1535e-03*z/a*thick/beta**2*( > 2*log(tau)+log((tau+2.)/2.)-2*(log(icon_gev)-log(me_gev)) > +1-beta**2+(tau**2/8-(2*tau+1)*log(2.))/(tau+1)**2 > -(-(2*(log(icon_gev)-log(hnup))+1)+2*log(betagamma))) endif *jv if( *jv eloss = 0.1536e-03*z/a*thick*(19.26 + log(thick/dens)) *jv endif endif ******************************************************************** * now calculate the energy loss for hadrons ******************************************************************** * proton if(.not.electron) then *jv icon_ev = 16.*z**0.9 *jv if ( icon_ev = 21.8 if(( *jv eloss = 2.*0.1535e-3*Z/A*thick/beta**2*( *jv > .5*log(2*me_gev*beta**2*gamma**2*tmax/icon_gev**2) *jv > -beta**2-denscorr/2.) eloss = abs(2.*0.1535e-3*Z/A*thick/beta**2)*( > .5*(log(2*me_gev)+2*log(beta)+2*log(gamma)+log(tmax)-2*log(icon_gev)) > -beta**2-denscorr/2.) *jv eloss = log(2.*me_ev*beta*beta/icon_ev/(1.-beta*beta)) *jv & - beta*beta *jv eloss = 2.*0.1536e-03*z/a*thick/beta/beta * eloss endif endif if (eloss.le.0.) write(6,*)'loss: eloss<=0!' * units should be in GeV e_loss = eloss if (( then particle=0.0 if (electron) particle=1.0 write(6,91) 'electron?','ztgt','atgt','thick','dens','velocity','e_loss' write(6,90) particle,z,a,thick,dens,velocity,e_loss write(6,'(4A10)') 'velocity','beta','pmass','denscorr' write(6,'(6(2x,f8.5))') velocity,beta,pmass,denscorr write(6,'(6A10)') 'betagamma','log10bg','tau','gamma','icon_ev','hnup (eV)' write(6,'(6(2x,F8.3))') betagamma,log10bg,tau,gamma,icon_ev,hnup*1e9 endif RETURN END