SUBROUTINE G_add_path(where,mss) *---------------------------------------------------------------------- *- *- Purpose and Methods : Put "where" as a prefix on the message *- *- Inputs : where - location (subroutine name usually) *- : mss - error message *- Outputs : mss - prpended error message *- *- Created 20-Nov-1993 Kevin B. Beard, Hampton U. *- $Log: g_add_path.f,v $ *- Revision 1.1 1994/02/09 14:13:19 cdaq *- Initial revision *- *- *-note: Taken from hall B package. *---------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE SAVE character*(*) where,mss * integer m character*1 first,last character*1024 msg logical marker * INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec' * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * msg= where call no_leading_blanks(msg) call no_leading_blanks(mss) m= G_important_length(msg) * first= mss(1:1) last= msg(m:m) * marker= last.EQ.'>' .or. last.EQ.':' .or. & last.EQ.'<' .or. first.EQ.':' .or. & first.EQ.'>' .or. first.EQ.'<' * If(marker) Then msg(m:)= last//mss Else msg(m:)= last//'>'//mss EndIf * mss= msg * RETURN END