SUBROUTINE G_sph_XYZ(r,theta,phi,x,y,z) *---------------------------------------------------------------------- *- *- Purpose and Methods : convert spherical coord.s to cartesian *- *- Inputs : r - conventional radial coord. *- theta - theta angle (radians) *- phi - phi *- Outputs : x - X coord. (conventional right handed system) *- y - Y *- z - Z *- *- Created 27-MAR-1992 Kevin B. Beard *- Modified for hall C 9/1/93: KBB * $Log: g_sph_xyz.f,v $ * Revision 1.1 1994/02/09 14:18:28 cdaq * Initial revision * *- *---------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE real r,theta,phi,x,y,z *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * x= r*SIN(theta)*COS(phi) y= r*SIN(theta)*SIN(phi) z= r*COS(theta) * RETURN end