Added to git branch "insane" Changes were made to the following files: etc/Makefile.variables : Made it use gfortran NOT g77 SANE/sane_ntup_init.f : Added new ntuple (3) Around line 160 SANE/sane_ntup_open.f : Added ntuple definition around line 417 SANE/sane_ntuple_keep.f : Used old version .... ENGINE/g_analyze_scalers_by_banks.f : Added some extra includes and added scaler dump to a text file at the very end of the subroutine. ENGINE/g_initialize.f : Opened output file for scalers INCLUDE/insane_scalers.cmn Added file for scaler output INCLUDE/gen_scalers_cmn Added new scaler stuff at line 104 ENGINE/g_reconstruction.f Commented out lines around 158 which do pedestal stuff in order to leave the pedestal events in the data. SANE/sane_keep_results.f : Commented out line to keep event type 4 (pedestal) SANE/sane_ntup_open.f : Added common block GEN_BEAM