Hall C ROOT/C++ Analyzer (hcana)
Main detector classes


class  THcAerogel
 Class for an Aerogel detector consisting of pairs of PMT's attached to a diffuser box. More...
class  THcCherenkov
 Class for gas Cherenkov detectors. More...
class  THcDC
 Analyze a package of horizontal drift chambers. More...
class  THcHelicity
 Determine the beam helicity for the current event. More...
class  THcHodoscope
 Generic hodoscope consisting of multiple planes with multiple paddles with phototubes on both ends. More...
class  THcRaster
 Detector class for fast raster. More...
class  THcShower
 Generic segmented shower detector. More...
class  THcTrigDet
 A mock detector to hold trigger related data. More...