Hall C ROOT/C++ Analyzer (hcana)
Physics modules


class  THcBCMCurrent
 Read BCM current from scalers and compare to thresholds. More...
class  THcCoinTime
 Class for calculating and adding the Coincidence Time in the Tree. More...
class  THcExtTarCor
 Extended target corrections physics module. More...
class  THcHodoEff
 Class for accumulating statistics for and calculating hodoscope efficiencies. More...
class  THcPeriodicReport
 A physics module to generate periodic reports from a template. More...
class  THcPrimaryKine
 Class for the Calculate kinematics of scattering of the primary (beam) particle. These are usually the electron kinematics. More...
class  THcReactionPoint
 Calculate vertex coordinates. More...
class  THcRFTime
class  THcSecondaryKine
 Class for the Calculate kinematics of scattering of the secondary (hadron) particle. More...