Neutral Particle Spectrometer analysis code
No Matches

This is the reconstruction code for the Hall C Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS), implemented as an add-on library for the Hall C analyzer hcana.

Building and loading the library

Building the library currently requires a CMake build of hcana (version >= 0.97) and installation of hcana under a to-level directory.

  • Set up hcana as usual. It should be sufficient to have hcana in your PATH.
  • Download or clone this repository and change into its top-level directory.
  • Follow the usual CMake workflow:
% cmake -B BUILD -S . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<install location>
% cmake --build BUILD -j4
  • Troubleshooting: If hcana is not found, try setting HCANA (or CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH) to the hcana installation location, i.e. the top-level directory containing bin, lib(64), and include. Note: Building against a hcana CMake build directory, or against hcana that was built with scons or with the plain Makefiles is not supported.
  • Load the library from hcana and check availability of its classes. This example assumes that you are in the top-level directory of NPSlib after building with CMake as indicated above:
% hcana -l
hcana [0] gSystem->Load("BUILD/src/libNPS")
(int) 0
hcana [1] .class THcNPSApparatus
class THcNPSApparatus
SIZE: 240 FILE: THcNPSApparatus.h LINE: 13
Base classes: ----------------------------
0x0 public THaApparatus
0x0 public THaAnalysisObject
0x0 public TNamed
0x0 public TObject
  • Install the library (optional but recommended):
% cmake --install BUILD

This will put the library in <install location>/lib(64). For convenient use from within hcana, add this location to (DY)LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

Class description

The library currently contains the following classes: (Details TODO)