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    User name mack

    Log entry time 16:31:27 on February 25, 2000

    Entry number 21574


    keyword=HNSS BCM calibration procedure
    							Feb 25, 2000
    time estimate: 2 hours the first time, 1 hour thereafter
    1. Turn non-Hall C lasers off.
    2. Check machine aperatures with 30 Hz system. Record the voltages in the elog.
    Back out the 30 Hz system. 
        If the aperatures are too tight (ie, < 3 volts), try to make it better
    within some reasonable time limit. Otherwise, ABORT. 
         In the following, the Hall C beam current must be stable to a few percent
    for minutes at a time. Don't do anything that would knowingly change the Hall
    C beam current. 
    3. Open the Hall C slit wide. Set up nominal 1 microA beam to Hall C.
    4. Steer beam to the injector 5 MeV Faraday cup. 
       i. Try to center up the beam (ie, maximize the response) to a 1% flat-top. 
    (Write down and elog the final golden BPM values.) 
        ii. Start a strip chart of the Faraday cup current (changing nothing) and 
    keep it running to check the stability.
    	   If the beam current isn't stable within 5% over 5 minutes, try
    to improve things. Otherwise, ABORT. 
    5. Restore beam to Hall C. Dave Mack will measure and record the power 
    emitted from physics cavities bcm1 and bcm2. 
    6. Steer beam to the injector Faraday cup again. Quickly center up the beam 
    on the cup again using the previous values. The strip chart of the Faraday cup 
    current should still be running. Let it run for 5 more minutes. 
    7. Important: elog the strip chart of the Faraday cup current.
    8. Back out (ie, restore lasers and slits to respective Hall-requested values).
    	Dave Mack