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    User name cdaq

    Log entry time 22:43:24 on February 25, 2000

    Entry number 21604

    keyword=Run 31071: BCM calibration with Dave Mack.

    Run #31071 (hnssonly) - /cdaqs1/data2/hnss_31071.log

    Beam Energy (MeV) 19601960
    SOS Momentum (GeV/c) 0.00.0
    SOS Angle -1.00-1.00
    Target NUMBER 00
    SOS Q Set Current 471.16471.16
    SOS Q Field 7564.007558.00
    SOS B1 Set Current 629.30629.30
    SOS B1 Hall Probe 14973.5014974.00
    SOS B2 Set Current 529.88529.88
    SOS B2 Hall Probe -15245.00-15245.00
    Splitter Set Current 454.60400454.60400
    Splitter Current Readback 454.582454.582
    Enge Set Current 0.000.00
    Enge Current Readback 0.020.06

    BCM calibration with Dave Mack.