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    User name Fujii

    Log entry time 20:40:35 on February 29,2000

    Entry number 21914

    This entry is a followup to: 21871

    keyword=Errata and addena for HODO time resolution

    In entry #21871, I wrote the HODO resolution as 400ps and 260ps.
    But it should be divided by sqrt(2).
    So the resolution is 400/sqrt(2)=280ps, and 260/sqrt(2)=180ps.

    Other parameters I didn't write:
    Gain : Pulse height for minimum ionizing paricle : 120mV at ADC input
    (~100mV at PMT output)
    Threshold : 75mV

    Threshold is relatively high, but it's ok because the time resolution is good enogh
    even without pulse height correction.