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    User name Miyoshi

    Log entry time 15:08:09 on March 9,2000

    Entry number 22817

    keyword=SSD : Can we cut unused TDC data?

    Figure shows SSD TDC peak around x-ch.3000 for run31635,800K trigger.
    Normally, SSD timing resolution is about 30nsec(FWHM).
    (in this histogram, 1 channel is 500psec)
    We already used TDC timing gate parameter
    3-sigma(99%) from this peak (about only mean value of this peak +/-69 channels).
    I think we can cut the data of TDC channel <2600 and >3400 (to be too safe?).
    This will help to reduce SSD part of data size by ~33%.
    This work will be done by "tdcfilter" (coda readout list(crl) file)

    FIGURE 1