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    User name yuan

    Log entry time 09:03:54 on March 13,2000

    Entry number 23169


    keyword=Improved Kaon coincidence spectrum

    Using sato and yamaguchi's new enge hodoscope pulse height correction, analysed 7 CH2 runs( 31635-31641). got much better Kaon coincidence time spectum (fig. 2). background was very much reduced (compared with hclog entry# 22971).

    Fig 1 shows the SOS beta(tof)-beta(k) vs. coincidence time. we can see the rf sructure for kaon at beta(tof)-beta(k) around 0. The real coincidence for pion,
    kaon and protons are at around -36.5, -39.7, -44.6 respectively.

    The cut conditions for kaons :
    Dave Mack's collimator cut;
    33 ssshtrk<0.75.and.scer_npe<13..and.saer_npe<1.6.and.sluc_npe>1.6

    More statistics is needed to get cleaner kaon spectrum.

    FIGURE 1

    FIGURE 2