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    User name fenker

    Log entry time 16:00:27 on March 21,2000

    Entry number 23713

    keyword=shift summary

    08:23 SSD high voltage trips
    08:50 Enge power supply trips
    09:00 Changed trigger 2/4 for cosmic run.
    09:05 Gas flow to SOS increased to .2/.2
    09:30 Replaced mosfet in Enge power supply.
    03:30 posted instructions on how to use event display.
    Noticed high voltage S2X3+=2427,S2X8+=2828,S2X8-=2401.... Was on 1/8/00=2375,2565,2342 resp.

    HCF phoned MCC at 15:45 to ask why we have not had beam all afternoon
    (the MD period was scheduled to end at 1200)... MCC would not tell
    me and told me to phone the PD. I tried the PD cell-phone and got
    the "phone not in service" message. Phoned Hari Areti who researched
    for me: the afternoon downtime was caused by a change to 4-pass in
    Hall-B (MCC had told me that, but had denied that was the reason
    we were off since noon).

    Hari said that a pass change of this sort always (automatically) gets 4 hours.
    I guess we were supposed to know this somehow???

    The PD's cell phone, it seems, often does not work if it happens to be
    placed in a certain orientation near a piece of metal. How convenient!
    I wish my pager would do that.