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    User name lgan

    Log entry time 12:30:17 on March 29,2000

    Entry number 24072

    keyword=beam quality

    In past one week from Mar 22 at 0:00am to Mar 29 at 8:00am, the beam
    has been very stable. The first picture shows the beam central position
    at entrance of ARC (IPM3C07.XPOS), the middle of ARC (hlc:MV_AI_DXPOS,
    IPM3C12.XPOS), the exit of ARC (IPM3C17.XPOS), and width of beam
    x profile at middle of ARC (hlc:MV_AI_DXWID). The second picture shows
    the beam current. OTR x central position sometimes jumped about 0.2 mm while
    BPM didn't move. The reason for that is still under investigation.

    FIGURE 1

    FIGURE 2