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    User name garrow

    Log entry time 05:14:31 on July 14,2000

    Entry number 26809

    This entry is a followup to: 26808

    keyword=bpm positions

    The new positions for 3H00A and 3H00C are

    x = 0.0 and y = -1.7

    x = 1.0 and y = -3.0

    These were determined from sieve runs so that ytarget was zero
    xptar offset was minimized (since we believe that the hms is 1mm
    off the beam line) yptar was zero and focal plane distributions were
    what was expected. xptar is about 1millirad off This correponds to a
    slight offset in xbeam with repect to the midplane of the spectrometer.
    The offfset in x is about .5 mm which correponds to a momentum offset
    of ~4.0 10-4. This was decided to be adequate running conditions.
    See 26808 entry for the sieve slit distributions.