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    User name hcf

    Log entry time 12:55:41 on October 23,2000

    Entry number 29639

    keyword=Beamline helium plumbing

    Paul Hood and I altered the helium delivery to the Be window spaces and downstream beamline per the attached figure. The point was to supply helium from the gas shed rather than a stand-alone bottle in the hall so that the bottle could be replaced without a hall access. There is now a separate flowmeter/needle-valve combination for each system located under the pivot. Nominal flow to the downstream beamline remains about 2 scfh. The flowmeter to the window spaces is now set to about 0.5 scfh. The oil bubbler is still attached but does not bubble because all of the helium has been found to be exiting through a leak in the 'seal' around the short gap between the first and second windows. All overpressure devices originally installed in this system are still in place.

    FIGURE 1