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    User name staylor

    Log entry time 12:42:06 on October 29,2000

    Entry number 30011


    keyword=HMS Q1 magnet problems

    The HMS Q1 supply got into a funny mode some time this morning in which the message at the bottom of the PSU display screen said "tran fail". The PSU cur readback was 0.65 A. Attempts to set the current to the correct value of 78.08 Amps or 0.0 Amps
    failed. When 78.08 Amps was set, the setcur readback was 52 Amps, but the the PSU cur readback still read 0.65 A. We rebooted the computer and waited for the Dump Switch interlock indicator to turn red, but it remained green after 20 minutes. After rebooting a second time, we went ahead with setting the current anyway. Miraculously, this worked, but the "tran fail" indicator remains on.