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    User name khandaker

    Log entry time 06:00:51 on January 5,2001

    Entry number 32408

    keyword=Owl Shift Summary

    00:00 First shift of the new millennium!
    00:10 Hall being locked up and sweep in progress.
    South linac LCW conductivity problem delaying beam operations.

    04:10 MCC called to give an update. LCW problem is taking its own sweet time. Since 11:30 p.m. last night the conductivity went from 12 (units?) to 5. It has to get down to 2 before MCC can power up the RF's. Estimate that there will be no beam before noon on Friday (01/05/01).

    All HV to HMS and NPOL restored and in working condition. See log entry 32406 by Tireman.