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    User name Howell

    Log entry time 15:06:14 on January 7,2001

    Entry number 32549

    keyword=COSMIC runs

    The present timing in NPOL trigger circuit requires one adjust to switch between
    cosmic runs (in which rear TDC timing is needed) and production running. Cosmic
    data for the front detectors and vetos can be made without the adjustment, i.e., with
    the same time settings as for production running.

    The width of the gate and delay generator (NIM crate = 5, slot=4, channel=1) should be adjusted for the two types of runs:

    Run Type G&D width
    production 130 ns
    cosmic 45 ns

    A pocket pulser is attached to the NIM crate. To make the adjustment disconnect the
    input to the G&D and use the pocket pulser to trigger it. Don't forget to reconnect
    the input after the adjustment is done. The NIM crate #5 is locate in rack CH03B19.

    Warning: You should check the delta TOF histogram after making the adjustment for production data. A good DTOF spectrum has one smooth peak. A bad
    DTOF spectrum has a lot of sharp structures.