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    User name s taylor

    Log entry time 16:49:40 on January 17,2001

    Entry number 32949

    keyword=results of moller runs

    The hall C attenuator was set to 265; the slit was set to 13.5.

    Lambda/2 IN:
    Run 38163, BCM gain settings=3: 77.1+/-0.5%
    Run 38165, BCM gain settings=5: 76.4+/-0.5%
    Run 38166, BCM gain settings=5: 75.0+/-0.5%
    Run 38167, BCM gain settings=5: 74.4+/-1.0%

    Lambda/2 OUT:
    Run 38168: -76.1+/-0.5%
    Run 38169: -76.5+/-0.5%

    Run 38171: Hall C laser off, Hall A and B on: +53.9+/-10%

    The rates on the visual scalers were (rough figures):
    Hall C laser on: LEFT=98000 counts per time interval, RIGHT=262000, "TRUES"=15000, ACCIDENTALS=200.
    Hall C laser off: LEFT=200, RIGHT=700, "TRUES"=45, ACCIDENTALS=0