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    User name hcf

    Log entry time 11:24:07 on January 23,2001

    Entry number 33181

    keyword=Moller Q1 GPIB problems

    AES is on the way to help diagnose/fix a problem with the Moller Q1
    GPIB interface unit (a 162-032 module). The symptom is that the Q1
    GUI will not seem to operate the magnet and when I telnet in to
    VMEC11, before even logging in, I get a string of error messages like
    0xe2608c (scanPeriod): qGpibReq(00EE9940, 2): dpvt->pibLink == NULL!
    0xe2608c (scanPeriod): qGpibReq(00EE97F0, 2): dpvt->pibLink == NULL!