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    User name tireman

    Log entry time 20:11:50 on January 26,2001

    Entry number 33325

    keyword=detector problem alerts -- 7, 36, 59, 67

    I was notified about 'funny' spectra for detectors 7, 36, 59, and 67. I have found the following:

    59 and 67 are 'double firing' .... something I have seen before but I am not sure how to fix it. I believe Calvin know and I will bounce a question his way via email.

    36 I have been looking at for some time...I can see nothing wrong with the ADC spectra or the raw TDC spectra, but the position spectrum (as shown by Jim Kelly) tells me that one of the PMT's is on a fast plane out of town for the winter. I believe we can limp through to Monday when Al Baldwin will be here to help my analysis.

    Detector 7 is a mystery. Only some time with the discriminator in the hall will allow me to isolate the problem. I have a feeling that it is the discriminator that is going south ... although there is one other possibility, but that is very unlikely.

    I will make an access this weekend if the accelerator goes down for a long period of time....like 2+ hours. Remember shift leaders when making an access it takes at least 30 minutes to get into the hall and at least 15 minutes to lock up and return the beam to the hall.....absolute minimum. So don't call me unless you know there is going to be plenty of time.