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    User name smithg

    Log entry time 23:36:39 on March 13,2001

    Entry number 34452

    keyword=target cooldown completed

    The target cool down is finished. It went real smooth. The spike we usually send to the esr when we switch to cold return never appeared! I guess practice makes perfect...

    Prior to opening the JTs, I checked the valve lineup and found everything was fine. In particular:
    open: MV9127, 9126, 9113, 9148, 9130, 9120, 9116. MV9114 was closed.
    open: MV9109, 9149, 9107, 9131, 9133. MV9108 was closed.

    Removed the plastic shield from the hms window on the scattering chamber.

    Am unable to get the target logger to start successfully...need Steve's help.