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    User name ak opper

    Log entry time 12:02:48 on April 1,2001

    Entry number 35080

    keyword=DATA DISK MONITOR is partially dead

    DATA DISK MONITOR is partially dead.

    This gui said we were writing to data1 (as we thought) and had 66% available at the beginning of run 39084. The amount available did not change as the run progressed and we took 1.3 M events. Listing the contents of data1 showed .log files for that run so we think the data are on disk.

    We cleaned off data2/ data3/ data13/ data14/ data15/ and data16 / -- the DATA DISK MONITOR gui did not show these areas being empty after we cleaned them.
    We then stopped run 39084, changed to data2/ in the hope that the gui would acknowledge some action on our part, and started run 39084. The gui does say that we are writing to data2/ and indeed the e93038_39085.log file is increasing BUT the gui is stuck saying that 66% of the disk is available.