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    User name hcf

    Log entry time 09:52:55 on August 3,2001

    Entry number 37304

    This entry is a followup to: 37271

    keyword=Moller summary comments

    Looking through the histograms from the Moller runs that Beni summarized...

    There was significant beam motion during runs 40410, 40411 and 40415
    as Beni noted for the first two of these. In the directory
    run 'paw' and type 'mscan 40409' to see a slide show of summary histos
    for run 40409, etc.

    Keeping only the five 'good' runs, the weighted average beam polarization
    is 79.6+-0.4 %.

    The hodoscope correlation plot indicates that Q2 is too high by about 2 or 3
    Amps, so the correct setting would be 364 instead of the predicted 366.6 A.

    Finally- I had an error of 10**2 in the BCM gain in the moller.flags file used
    by the analyzer. This makes NO DIFFERENCE in the polarization results or
    errors (as we assign no error to the beam current measurement). It just caused
    the summary report to claim that we ran at 25.3 microamps beam instead of
    0.253 microamps. I have fixed this.