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    User name mahbub

    Log entry time 02:17:31 on August 9,2001

    Entry number 37727


    keyword=DAQ and CDAQS1 crashed

    00:37 During run 40644, the DAQ computer screen suddenly went blank and the
    system crashed. After sometime the login screen came back on its own. Logging
    back on to cdaqs1 brings up a very wrong workspace compared to the normal one.

    Could not restart CODA MASTER, the ~/gen/tcl/codamaster.tcl file does not exist.
    Tried running ~/gen/tcl/etcodamaster and that did not work either. Called Beni and
    he suugested to do a hard reboot of cdaqs1.

    CDAQS1 machine is not labeled and it took a while to find it to do a hard reboot.
    After reboot, the cdaq account workspace is still messed up. Running etcodamaster
    worked this time and we were able to get back run control.

    Could not restart DISKWATCH from the CODA Startup Menu. Had to restart it
    from the terminal.

    01:34 We are back with DAQ and DISKWATCH in running condition.