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    User name farrell

    Log entry time 06:20:04 on August 9,2001

    Entry number 37741

    keyword=target polarization :)

    So far the polarization is going very well. I first set the frequency near the nominal value of 140.500 Ghz for negative polarization which moved to -21.4%. I then set the Frequency a little lower to 140.487 and 140.479 and the polarization dropped to -23.1%. Using the earlier run's data I set the Frequency to what I thought was the best value with no beam 140.467 and the polarization moved to -25.5%. At that time the beam came on and we lost polarization to -17.4 % where I changed the frequency to what I thought was the best frequency with beam (again from earlier data). This produced a steady climb in the polarization to near 20%. After our earlier problem its nice to see things respond so well.

    FIGURE 1