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    Log entry time 08:00:58 on August 10,2001

    Entry number 37840

    keyword=shift summary

    12:00 run 40692 target polarization ~21.5%
    when it drop to 17 % will change to top target
    but will first do 2 carbon runs

    1:10 stopped run 40693 at 860k to change disc

    3:40 beam very stable last hour or so and polarization
    also very stable at 20+ % so will continue taking
    data on this (bottom) target

    5:00 target polarization near 17 % asked beam off
    will change to 12C for 2 runs at 200nano amps

    5:53 beam off change to top ND3 target

    6:20 trouble getting good polarization for top target
    asked for 100 nona amps target polarization ~ 10%
    see what beam will do

    7:30 Started taking data with target polarization at ~16 %
    and are continuing to try to increase the polarization
    with Donal's help