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    User name cdaq

    Log entry time 00:05:01 on August 28, 2001

    Entry number 39338

    keyword=Computer reboots for 2001-08-27

    The following CPU's were rebooted yesterday (2001-08-27)

    Target_computer 1
    sfihms(ROC2) 2
    vmec9(ROC9) 8

    Only reboots done through the reboot panel or Coda master are included. Spontaneous reboots or software commanded reboots are not reflected in these lists.

    03:00:58  vmec9(ROC9)
    03:01:34  vmec9(ROC9)
    06:22:59  vmec9(ROC9)
    07:18:40  vmec9(ROC9)
    09:59:29  sfihms(ROC2)
    10:34:18  sfihms(ROC2)
    11:49:06  vmec9(ROC9)
    13:37:25  Target_computer
    16:37:00  vmec9(ROC9)
    16:37:33  vmec9(ROC9)
    16:38:39  vmec9(ROC9)