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    User name Keppel

    Log entry time 15:53:15 on September 6,2001

    Entry number 39887

    keyword=Day Shift Summary

    We ran fine until 9:30 AM when we stopped running so that Bill could put in the correct power supply card for HDC2 (see hclog note). When Bill finished, we got a call from MCC that IOCSL1 tripped and the beam would be gone for a bit. They called around 10:15 to say that the IOC was fixed, but that the 2L05 zone was down.

    Since a zone was down, planned injector phase shift / current measurements (see hclog 39768, etc.) began at around 10:40 AM. Tests done and beam back at noon.

    We ran then until 2:45 PM, when it was time to change to the bottom target. Marko did an SEM static mod test ~12:45.

    We started running with the bottom target ~3:45, but suffered some daq problems which ended the shift.