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    User name klein

    Log entry time 15:56:55 on September 9,2001

    Entry number 40182

    keyword=shift summary

    9:30 Replaced Helium bottle and Ethane
    10:30 change to new disk data4
    10:30 got target alarm
    12:30 notice shower counters tripped, when we started new run 41462.
    13:05 changed disk to data5
    15:05 Get an alarm that SOS magnets tripped ????
    cannot silence it, bypass the alarm. Paged Bill Vulcan and Joe Beaufait.
    15:15 roc 2 died, stop the run
    rebooted roc2
    15:30 roc2 and roc 9 died
    15:45 change disk to data6