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    User name V.Tadevosyan

    Log entry time 00:38:40 on September 15,2001

    Entry number 40662

    keyword=Shift summary

    16:00 - Start of the shift, run #4602, bottom ND3, 100nA.
    16:52 - HMS Q1 tripped.
    17:00 - HMS Dipole tripped. Beam is off. Meanwhile decided to switch to top ND3 target.
    17:40 - ROC9 dead. Killed all, restarted DAQ.
    17:45 - Changed to disk #13.
    17:50 - HMS is restored. Asked for beam.
    17:54 - Start time of run #41604, top ND3, pol=+30.5%, 100nA.
    19:40 - Hamlet asked to switch N2 laser on. Run #41606 is the first one with laser on.
    20:30 - Changed disk to #14.
    21:00 - Beam is off for ~10 min. MCC cures frequent RF trips.
    21:05 - Beam is back.
    22:35 - MCC got magnet problem. Beam is off.
    23:20 - Beam is back, but DAQ failed. Rebooted all the DAQ.
    23:25 - Start ran #41611.
    24:00 - MCC took beam off. We switched to cosmics.