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    User name Mack

    Log entry time 13:05:01 on October 30,2001

    Entry number 41520

    This entry is a followup to: 41406


    keyword=New BCM2 Calibration for Gen01

    The new and improved BCM2 calibration follows. Data were taken over the range 50 to 150 nA. The response looks very linear over this range. (See residuals in Figure 2.) For runs near 100 nA, the new calibration is insignificantly different from the old one. Near the extreme limits of the calibrated range, the new calibration is 1 to 1.5 nA different.

    When the beam goes off, the offset should be +6 nA.

    Ibcm2 [nA] = gain*(Frequency[Hz] - Offset)

    gain = 6.11463e-4

    offset = 2.5373e5

    When implementing this calibration, double-check your units conversion.

    FIGURE 1

    FIGURE 2