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    User name Donal

    Log entry time 22:29:37 on December 4,2001

    Entry number 44177


    After the TE and during the magnet ramp down we entered the hall and did a 100K anneal for one hour.

    We reversed the polarity of the thermacouples and this corrected the sign of the temperature conversions. We noticed that the top platinum and the bottom TC gave nearly perfect agreement thoughout the anneal.

    The top TC read consistently 6 degrees lower than the bottom TC or the top platinum.

    We plugged the bottom platinum into the spare ITC 503 provided by CKeith. It read consistently 10 degrees higher than the top. This could be due to calibration error. We are using, I believe, a ballasted platinum, not a pure Platinum.

    When we plugged the bottom Pt into the annealing ITC 503, it pulled down the value of the top Pt. It was quite unexplainable. There seems to be some cross talk between the two - at least when connected to our annealing ITC 503.