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    User name hcf

    Log entry time 11:03:18 on December 11,2001

    Entry number 44664

    keyword=moller collimator status

    After all the power cycles this morning, I reset and verified that the Moller target
    mover was acting properly.

    I found and fixed two disconnected connections related to the Moller collimator
    control system. However, when I attempted to cycle the Moller target camera
    light it still did not work. I expect that what we have is one more trivial problem,
    but since the collimators are already well tuned and there is no energy change
    planned for the rest of this year, there is no need to move the collimators. Therefore,
    I am going to leave the controls alone to avoid any incidental collimator motion.

    Note that the collimator position readbacks will all be "0.0" even though their
    positions are still the same as the last valid reading (look back through Moller
    tuneup logs if you need them). [A power cycle resets the readbacks to 0.0
    without actually moving anything. That is why they now read zero.]