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    User name Rondon

    Log entry time 16:14:09 on December 17,2001

    Entry number 45164

    keyword=Beam count at end of shift, and end of cell use before anneal

    [cvxwrks@jeffylab cvxwrks]$ beamcount
    CASI Version: 1.0
    Enter start time: [yyyy/mm/dd HH:mm:ss] (like 1981/10/07 17:59:03:56)
    2001/12/17 08:00:00
    Enter end time: [yyyy/mm/dd HH:mm:ss]
    2001/12/17 16:10:00
    Start time: 2001/12/17 08:00:00.0
    End time: 2001/12/17 16:10:00.0
    Total Charge through the target: 0.00263608467395565 Coulumb.
    Number of electrons that passed through the target: 1.64755292122228e+16
    The beam was off 0 times for a total duration of 0 seconds