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    User name HGZ

    Log entry time 08:39:06 on February 20,2002

    Entry number 48048


    keyword=RC weekly Summary

    For the week of 02/12/02 - 02/18/02:

    02/12/02 - 02/14/02:
    Maintainence days. We accomplished:

    (1) Target rotation and surveying;

    (2) we also solved the top target position problem by replacing
    helium transfer line between magnet and separator. The old
    transfer line stuck the target insert piston at top position.

    02/15/02 -02/20/02:

    Received beam on 02/15/02 owl shift. We had a fantastic week of
    NH3 parallel running regardless near 6 hours beam loss at the end of the program due to leak in the accelerator. We expect 52 effective hours of running (normalized to 100 nA, Pe=70% and Pt=80%) at this configuration, we actually collected 57.8 effective hours. Chart below details the running sum of the effective hours versus run number and hours of data collected with respect to each kinematic setting, target position and polarization polarity.

    Maintainence day begin Wednesday, 02/20/02 day shit, beam off since 7:00 am and scheduled to be back on 19:00 or earlier. The hall will be in controlled access for target work.

    FIGURE 1