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    User name cdaq

    Log entry time 18:26:37 on February 28, 2002

    Entry number 48663

    keyword=End of Run 43984:

    Experiment e01006

    End of Run #43984 - /cdaqs1/data15/e01006_43984.log

     Run Number: 43984
    End of Run Comment:
     End-of-run Polarization =   -11.68 
    EPICS values at end of run
    Beam Energy =  5768.48 MeV
    HMS Dipole current setting =  1461.37 A
    HMS Dipole Field (NMR) = 12942.60 G
    HMS Q1 current setting =   613.70 A
    HMS Q2 current setting =  -487.98 A
    HMS Q3 current setting =   238.00 A
     target polarization =   -11.68
    Half-Wave Plate position = OUT
     *** PRESCALE FACTORS *** 
      PS1 =          1 :  
      PS2 = not in gen.flags :  
      PS3 = not in gen.flags :  
      PS4 =          1 :  
      PS5 =          1 :  
      PS6 =          1 :  
      PS7 = not in gen.flags :  
      PS8 = not in gen.flags :  