Jefferson Lab Hall C Logbook for August 02 - runstarts omitted

  • Main INDEX


  • 49425 08/31/02 00:05 cdaq Computer reboots for 2002-08-30
  • Friday

  • 49424 08/30/02 17:01 pking Ended the CODA session in the Hall C counting house.
  • 49423 08/30/02 16:55 pking MAJOR CHANGE: Now using the CEBAF board for the YO.
  • 49422 08/30/02 16:45 pking Some DMCH tests; the YO has changed.
  • 49420 08/30/02 12:50 jacques HV powered off
  • 49418 08/30/02 12:29 Armstrong go to restricted access
  • 49417 08/30/02 12:26 jones beam off, ask for restricted, HV off
  • 49416 08/30/02 12:23 pking Found loose NA TDC input cable.
  • 49415 08/30/02 12:21 breuer NA anode current; window open/lead covered
  • 49414 08/30/02 12:17 pking Modification of anareaper.
  • 49413 08/30/02 11:34 jones end of run 11654 failed
  • 49412 08/30/02 11:00 Louis Tsdmch_s with Lead shield anc 2.5 micro A
  • 49411 08/30/02 10:26 Louis errors messages from Roc3
  • 49410 08/30/02 09:56 jones fastbus run 11560
  • 49409 08/30/02 09:49 Breuer Hall access: TLDs and Pb window covers mounted
  • 49408 08/30/02 08:48 Louis DAQ & Visu Dmch and Sdmch
  • 49407 08/30/02 08:31 Louis HV off
  • 49406 08/30/02 08:28 Louis End Run failed
  • 49405 08/30/02 08:18 Louis target out of beam then In
  • 49404 08/30/02 07:57 birchall Owl shift summary
  • 49402 08/30/02 07:19 samuel change to carbon target pos.
  • 49401 08/30/02 06:52 samuel change target position to out of beam
  • 49400 08/30/02 06:45 Louis/Jacque Tsdmch_s
  • 49399 08/30/02 05:42 Louis/Jacque Tsdmch_s crash
  • 49398 08/30/02 05:36 Unknown Shielding
  • 49397 08/30/02 05:30 jroche yet an other try of taking fastbus data
  • 49396 08/30/02 03:53 birchall Beam to 0.25 uA
  • 49395 08/30/02 03:49 birchall Beam current to 0.5 uA
  • 49394 08/30/02 03:07 jyun beam charge asymmetry feedback
  • 49393 08/30/02 03:05 birchall Detector tests start
  • 49392 08/30/02 03:03 samuel move to carbon target position
  • 49391 08/30/02 02:31 Pitt/Birchal Beam Tests
  • 49390 08/30/02 01:50 samuel change target to big halo.
  • 49389 08/30/02 01:16 pitt IA cell calibration
  • 49388 08/30/02 00:05 cdaq Computer reboots for 2002-08-29
  • Thursday

  • 49386 08/29/02 23:59 neveling Swing Shift Summary
  • 49385 08/29/02 23:10 jyun g0 bpm
  • 49384 08/29/02 22:29 neveling Superharps 3H00 & A
  • 49383 08/29/02 22:19 neveling superharps C17A & B
  • 49382 08/29/02 22:13 neveling superharps C12A & B
  • 49381 08/29/02 22:09 neveling Superharp C07A & B
  • 49380 08/29/02 22:03 jyun halo pmt 5uA
  • 49379 08/29/02 21:19 Rutledge Beam Modulation Tests: 5uA
  • 49378 08/29/02 21:06 pitt Update from Jay Benesch
  • 49377 08/29/02 21:03 jyun halo prettier picture
  • 49376 08/29/02 19:54 Rutledge Beam Modulation Tests: 2uA
  • 49375 08/29/02 19:29 jyun halo pmt test
  • 49374 08/29/02 19:02 neveling Superharp scan H00&A
  • 49373 08/29/02 18:57 neveling Superharp scan C17A&B
  • 49372 08/29/02 18:52 neveling Superharp scan C12A&B
  • 49371 08/29/02 18:46 neveling Superharp scan C07A&B
  • 49370 08/29/02 17:59 G Franklin NA electronics
  • 49369 08/29/02 17:53 neveling Superharp C12A&B
  • 49368 08/29/02 17:37 neveling Superharp scans C17A
  • 49367 08/29/02 17:34 neveling Superharp scans C07A & B
  • 49366 08/29/02 17:29 Spayde A Lead Temperatures
  • 49365 08/29/02 17:26 neveling Superharp scans C07A & B
  • 49364 08/29/02 17:15 Spayde More 4.5 K He Supply Pressure Shenanigans
  • 49363 08/29/02 17:04 neveling beam back
  • 49361 08/29/02 16:33 G.Franklin & NA electronics investigations
  • 49359 08/29/02 16:06 Armstrong Day shift summary
  • 49358 08/29/02 16:03 pking Restarted X server on cdaql2.
  • 49357 08/29/02 15:54 Armstrong beam soon?
  • 49356 08/29/02 15:38 pking Finished modifying the analysis data movers.
  • 49355 08/29/02 14:09 jroche preparation for adc pedestal test
  • 49354 08/29/02 12:46 pking Some changes to the analysis data paths.
  • 49353 08/29/02 10:13 Mack hclog test (ignore)
  • 49350 08/29/02 09:53 Mack hclog test (ignore)
  • 49349 08/29/02 08:32 Armstrong Radcon requests access
  • 49348 08/29/02 08:29 lenoble No ADC fluctuations in 2 series of runs replayed
  • 49346 08/29/02 07:55 birchall Owl shift summary
  • 49345 08/29/02 06:46 birchall Owl shift pre summary
  • 49344 08/29/02 02:04 Louis Test DAQ for TDMCH & SDMCH_s
  • 49343 08/29/02 00:29 lenoble fluctuations in Fastbus ADC data
  • 49342 08/29/02 00:05 cdaq Computer reboots for 2002-08-28
  • 49340 08/29/02 00:00 Spayde Swing shift summary
  • Wednesday

  • 49339 08/28/02 23:52 Spayde Results of increased VCL flow
  • 49338 08/28/02 22:52 Spayde ESR 4.5 K He Supply Pressures
  • 49337 08/28/02 22:43 Spayde SMS Warning: He Inlet Pressure Low
  • 49336 08/28/02 22:16 Spayde Clarification
  • 49335 08/28/02 22:12 Spayde MCC Update
  • 49334 08/28/02 20:50 pking Summary of some Fastbus tests from early this afternoon.
  • 49333 08/28/02 20:40 pking Successful tests of the new fast clear.
  • 49332 08/28/02 18:02 Spayde Prospects for beam
  • 49331 08/28/02 17:23 Spayde Increased SMS VCL Flow
  • 49329 08/28/02 12:04 aamer/pking Fixed the begin run script.
  • 49328 08/28/02 11:04 Jianglai run 11422--dmch_s test
  • 49327 08/28/02 07:55 vardan VESDA lights
  • 49325 08/28/02 07:51 birchall Owl shift summary
  • 49324 08/28/02 07:41 birchall Vacuum problem fixed
  • 49323 08/28/02 06:03 birchall Status of magnet
  • 49322 08/28/02 05:25 jroche add to restart daq
  • 49321 08/28/02 05:02 birchall Controlled access
  • 49320 08/28/02 03:49 birchall Some beam
  • 49319 08/28/02 02:09 birchall Tuning
  • 49318 08/28/02 01:24 Breuer calibration differences between beam halo events and regular low-energy charged particles
  • 49317 08/28/02 01:18 Breuer beam scraping "upstream" effects on detectors
  • 49316 08/28/02 00:58 birchall Status of beam
  • 49315 08/28/02 00:53 Breuer French oct04/det16/fron-left tube+base gain unstable
  • 49314 08/28/02 00:49 breuer NA swapped cables
  • 49313 08/28/02 00:07 jroche program for the night
  • 49312 08/28/02 00:05 jroche no beam yet
  • 49311 08/28/02 00:05 cdaq Computer reboots for 2002-08-27
  • 49310 08/28/02 00:04 jroche swing shift summary
  • Tuesday

  • 49308 08/27/02 23:07 jroche beam back, daq to Dmch_s
  • 49307 08/27/02 20:34 pking One last fastbus test.
  • 49306 08/27/02 19:25 pking Tests of the new fast clear system.
  • 49305 08/27/02 19:22 jroche immediate run plan
  • 49304 08/27/02 19:07 pitt G0 superharp trigger
  • 49303 08/27/02 18:46 jroche status : waiting for beam
  • 49302 08/27/02 18:38 pking Test of the new start run script.
  • 49301 08/27/02 18:16 jyun g0 superharp
  • 49300 08/27/02 17:05 pking Found that the reason the TDCs aren't being cleared.
  • 49299 08/27/02 16:04 pking Some Fastbus tests.
  • 49297 08/27/02 15:42 pking Tests of DMCH crashing behavior with the "old" version of the CRL.
  • 49296 08/27/02 15:12 Lung How To Scan Into g0log
  • 49295 08/27/02 15:03 Lung Scan of TLD Dose Picture
  • 49294 08/27/02 14:51 Lung/Kox TLD Readouts for Hall C
  • 49293 08/27/02 13:52 Lung Detector Plot: front vs back
  • 49292 08/27/02 11:29 Lung Scan of G0 Detector Plot: front vs back
  • 49291 08/27/02 11:22 Armstrong accounts/passwords
  • 49290 08/27/02 11:13 finn hall c in beam permit
  • 49289 08/27/02 10:26 finn TLDs to be reinstalled
  • 49288 08/27/02 10:14 finn remove g0 windows 5&6
  • 49287 08/27/02 09:22 finn control acess requested
  • 49286 08/27/02 09:17 finn detector HV off
  • 49285 08/27/02 08:56 Louis buddy RUNS
  • 49284 08/27/02 08:43 finn graveyard shift summary
  • 49282 08/27/02 07:56 birchall Owl shift summary
  • 49281 08/27/02 06:54 breuer full na anode current graph
  • 49280 08/27/02 06:53 Breuer HV/gain/rates/anode currents dets. 4 and 16
  • 49279 08/27/02 06:51 jroche fastbus data taking failed
  • 49278 08/27/02 06:50 Breuer HV/gain/anode currents for Octant 1 all left detectors
  • 49277 08/27/02 06:46 breuer full NA octant counting rate
  • 49276 08/27/02 05:27 birchall Beam tuning
  • 49275 08/27/02 05:06 Louis/Serge Thresholds study
  • 49274 08/27/02 03:58 Louis/Serge Run 11367 Front OR Back
  • 49273 08/27/02 03:48 Bimbot/Kox Run 11366 All French Octants
  • 49272 08/27/02 03:42 kox/Bimbot+s All french HV on with Beam
  • 49271 08/27/02 03:40 Bimbot/Grimm 1st time of flight spectra on octant 2 in front if back configuration
  • 49270 08/27/02 03:26 pking Unsuccesful attempt to debug the fast clear.
  • 49269 08/27/02 03:09 Louis Missing ToF #204
  • 49268 08/27/02 02:19 pking Problems with 'go' scripts?
  • 49267 08/27/02 02:14 pking Error messages from ROC3 in run 11356.
  • 49266 08/27/02 02:14 KOX/BIMBOT Tsdmch_s Octant 4
  • 49265 08/27/02 01:59 kox/bimbot French octant Front if Back
  • 49264 08/27/02 01:49 kox HV problem !DANGER!
  • 49263 08/27/02 01:46 kox/bimbot First full french octant DAQ
  • 49262 08/27/02 01:41 pking Tests to determine what is wrong with the DMCH readout.
  • 49261 08/27/02 00:45 jroche/kox HV overcurrent
  • 49259 08/27/02 00:36 kox Amplifier for french ACM
  • 49258 08/27/02 00:30 neveling 16-24 shift summary
  • 49257 08/27/02 00:20 jroche background HV backup file
  • 49256 08/27/02 00:08 Neveling Superharp scans IHA3H00 & A
  • 49255 08/27/02 00:05 cdaq Computer reboots for 2002-08-26
  • 49254 08/27/02 00:04 neveling VESDA alarm
  • 49253 08/27/02 00:00 Kox/Grimm anode current measurement with modified french bases
  • Monday

  • 49252 08/26/02 23:46 neveling Superharp IHA3C17A & B
  • 49251 08/26/02 23:43 Roche/Breuer detector night
  • 49250 08/26/02 23:17 neveling Superharps IHA3C12A & B
  • 49249 08/26/02 23:10 Neveling Superharp IHA3C07B
  • 49248 08/26/02 22:58 Neveling Target position and FSD
  • 49247 08/26/02 22:41 Neveling beam delivered
  • 49246 08/26/02 22:16 Jianglai minor changes on g0analysis
  • 49245 08/26/02 20:33 Jianglai the 3rd plot of the last log
  • 49244 08/26/02 20:16 Neveling Alarm Handler HallC_Ops
  • 49243 08/26/02 20:15 Jianglai halfwave plate angle scan analysis
  • 49242 08/26/02 19:07 Williamson SMS Control System TempMon Failure
  • 49241 08/26/02 18:23 Papavassilio Re: running HV control in counting room
  • 49240 08/26/02 17:50 pking Investigating errors in the Fastbus fast clear mode.
  • 49239 08/26/02 17:49 pitt G0 superharps
  • 49238 08/26/02 16:35 pking New fast clear set-up.
  • 49237 08/26/02 16:29 pking DAQ tests with the new fast clear.
  • 49236 08/26/02 16:27 Armstrong multiple logging
  • 49235 08/26/02 16:23 Louis/Klaus ToF spectrum from DMCH
  • 49233 08/26/02 16:16 Armstrong Day Shift Summary
  • 49232 08/26/02 16:00 Armstrong 2 muA beam starts
  • 49231 08/26/02 15:56 Armstrong Start of run comments
  • 49230 08/26/02 15:02 Quemener CODA comments window at start run
  • 49229 08/26/02 14:39 Armstrong, L running HV control in counting room
  • 49228 08/26/02 14:32 Kox HV policy during beam development ...
  • 49227 08/26/02 14:06 Armstrong Paul working on FastClear
  • 49226 08/26/02 12:42 Liu/Secrest pedestal run 5 uA
  • 49225 08/26/02 12:20 Armstrong progress from MCC
  • 49224 08/26/02 12:11 Armstrong end of controlled access
  • 49223 08/26/02 11:52 Secrest 2uA & 5uA BPM Pedestal Run
  • 49222 08/26/02 11:16 Armstrong controlled access
  • 49221 08/26/02 11:07 Secrest Halfwave Plate scan
  • 49220 08/26/02 10:39 Armstrong, L beam to tuning mode
  • 49218 08/26/02 08:07 Louis/Jason base current monitoring
  • 49217 08/26/02 07:59 birchall Owl shift summary
  • 49216 08/26/02 07:39 birchall Back to carbon target
  • 49215 08/26/02 07:28 birchall Large hole target inserted
  • 49214 08/26/02 06:31 birchall Beam tuning
  • 49213 08/26/02 05:51 jroche no fastclear mode
  • 49212 08/26/02 05:22 Louis Tsdmch_s, Dmch_s
  • 49211 08/26/02 03:41 kox/Quemener French anode currents ... finally
  • 49210 08/26/02 02:26 Williamson VCL Lead Inspection
  • 49209 08/26/02 02:23 Breuer Lead on Herbert's Detector
  • 49208 08/26/02 02:22 birchall Access complete
  • 49207 08/26/02 02:20 pking Fast clear configuration.
  • 49206 08/26/02 02:08 pking Setting up the fast clear.
  • 49205 08/26/02 01:43 birchall Controlled access
  • 49204 08/26/02 00:26 pking Realtime tests.
  • 49203 08/26/02 00:05 cdaq Computer reboots for 2002-08-25
  • 49202 08/26/02 00:04 Williamson Swing shift summary
  • Sunday

  • 49200 08/25/02 23:09 Williamson Background Detector Studies
  • 49199 08/25/02 22:07 pking Data from run 11280 is in data file 11279.
  • 49198 08/25/02 21:26 Williamson Beam Orbit Shift (no beam)
  • 49197 08/25/02 20:16 Williamson Rotatable Wave Plate Scan
  • 49196 08/25/02 19:30 pking A run to diagnose the problems with the French anode current monitor.
  • 49195 08/25/02 19:23 Williamson beam status
  • 49194 08/25/02 19:17 pking Implemented the "new" misc counters in the TS0 CRL.
  • 49193 08/25/02 18:20 pking Some investigations of helicity pattern errors as seen this morning.
  • 49192 08/25/02 18:11 pking Strange error with g0log on cdaql2.
  • 49191 08/25/02 18:02 Secrest/Liu/ Beam measurements
  • 49190 08/25/02 17:52 pking Modifications to the analyzer; clarification of policy on the default analyzer on g0ana.
  • 49189 08/25/02 17:02 Williamson VCL ice ball at 30 slm
  • 49188 08/25/02 16:49 pking Change in miscelaneous scalers.
  • 49186 08/25/02 14:02 Secrest Beam restored in the Hall
  • 49185 08/25/02 13:44 jyun harp scan Aug 24th evening
  • 49184 08/25/02 12:39 jyun harp scan 4.4uA H00, H00A
  • 49183 08/25/02 12:34 jyun harp scan 4.4 uA C17A, C17B
  • 49182 08/25/02 12:33 jyun harp scan 4.4 uA 12A, 12B
  • 49181 08/25/02 12:31 jyun harp scan 4.4uA 07A, 07B
  • 49180 08/25/02 12:23 jyun harp scan 7uA H00, H00A
  • 49179 08/25/02 12:21 jyun harp scan 7uA, 17A, 17B
  • 49178 08/25/02 12:18 jyun harp scan 12A, 12B
  • 49177 08/25/02 12:14 jyun harp scan 07A, 07B
  • 49176 08/25/02 11:34 kox Work of the night
  • 49175 08/25/02 11:17 Louis/Herber Detectors tuning
  • 49174 08/25/02 10:45 Secrest Seperator problems
  • 49173 08/25/02 10:04 Spayde Beam back temporarily
  • 49172 08/25/02 09:45 Spayde Increased SMS VCL Flow
  • 49170 08/25/02 08:54 Jianglai run 11260: test run of ts_scaler
  • 49169 08/25/02 08:30 birchall Owl shift summary
  • 49167 08/25/02 07:29 birchall Beam back
  • 49166 08/25/02 07:13 birchall rf separator trip
  • 49165 08/25/02 06:51 gzero Tuning of detectors 4 and 16
  • 49164 08/25/02 06:44 gzero ps4 and number of bad events
  • 49163 08/25/02 04:24 gzero Runs for anode current check
  • 49162 08/25/02 04:10 birchall Carbon target back in
  • 49161 08/25/02 03:46 birchall Target out of beam
  • 49160 08/25/02 02:59 pate more coincidences
  • 49159 08/25/02 02:56 pate G0 coincidences!
  • 49158 08/25/02 02:18 birchall Coincidences!
  • 49157 08/25/02 02:11 Kox/Pate First coincidence in french FPD4
  • 49156 08/25/02 01:11 pate comment on large hole background measurement
  • 49155 08/25/02 01:04 pate 12C target, anode vs. beam current
  • 49154 08/25/02 00:35 Williamson Shift Summary
  • 49153 08/25/02 00:17 Williamson Ice on the SMS VCLs
  • 49152 08/25/02 00:12 Kox/Breuer First signals in FDPs ...
  • 49151 08/25/02 00:11 Williamson First picture beam from G0
  • 49150 08/25/02 00:06 saw Beam current calibration (crude)
  • 49149 08/25/02 00:05 cdaq Computer reboots for 2002-08-24
  • Saturday

  • 49147 08/24/02 22:58 pate HALL C GAS ALARM
  • 49146 08/24/02 22:55 pitt Large hole target
  • 49145 08/24/02 22:29 Williamson Scan of current vs anode current with large hole target
  • 49144 08/24/02 22:25 Williamson Gas system alarm
  • 49143 08/24/02 21:57 Williamson Beam current vs anode current with carbon
  • 49142 08/24/02 21:41 Williamson Carbon target at 2 uA
  • 49141 08/24/02 21:19 Williamson Super harp scans at 4.4 uA
  • 49140 08/24/02 20:49 pate background vs beam current
  • 49139 08/24/02 20:44 Williamson Superharp scan
  • 49138 08/24/02 20:20 pate test of raster size, in small hole
  • 49137 08/24/02 20:15 pate find the middle of the small hole
  • 49135 08/24/02 15:09 jyun superharp gui
  • 49134 08/24/02 13:23 Secrest/Roch Work this morning: Centering the target
  • 49133 08/24/02 13:14 Secrest Accel Down
  • 49132 08/24/02 13:13 Secrest Hall C access this morning
  • 49131 08/24/02 11:45 Kenyon Magnet pager
  • 49130 08/24/02 11:39 Kenyon Changed PID set points
  • 49129 08/24/02 11:32 Kenyon Magnet alarm
  • 49127 08/24/02 00:52 Spayde Swing Shift Summary
  • 49126 08/24/02 00:45 spayde Superharp status
  • 49125 08/24/02 00:05 cdaq Computer reboots for 2002-08-23
  • Friday

  • 49123 08/23/02 22:42 pate snapshot of bpms in run 11235
  • 49122 08/23/02 18:36 Spayde MCC Resteer
  • 49121 08/23/02 18:35 Spayde Ion Chamber Dose Rates
  • 49120 08/23/02 18:32 Spayde Beam Current in Hall
  • 49119 08/23/02 18:17 Spayde 10 microAmps in Hall C
  • 49118 08/23/02 17:53 Spayde Target IOC Reboot Opportunity
  • 49117 08/23/02 17:50 Spayde ABUs for this run
  • 49116 08/23/02 17:14 Spayde Hall C Ion Chambers
  • 49115 08/23/02 17:05 Spayde Hall C Ion Chambers
  • 49114 08/23/02 17:04 jyun run11226
  • 49113 08/23/02 17:01 pking Attempt at tuning the NA electronics.
  • 49112 08/23/02 16:58 pking Adjusted the MPS trigger timing.
  • 49111 08/23/02 16:55 pking Reconfigured the macropulse and quartet counter signals.
  • 49110 08/23/02 16:21 Secrest Day Shift Summary
  • 49109 08/23/02 16:00 saw Unser monitor signal to G0 DAQ
  • 49108 08/23/02 13:43 Mack BCM1,2 gains adjusted for G0
  • 49107 08/23/02 12:46 pking Added the begin and end run scripts to ts_scaler and TSdmch_s run mode
  • 49106 08/23/02 11:54 secrest Background Measurements
  • 49105 08/23/02 11:20 saw Run 11223 - CW beam run
  • 49104 08/23/02 10:35 secrest/jian Pulsed beam runs 11221-11222
  • 49102 08/23/02 10:02 saw G0/Hall C logbooks
  • 49101 08/23/02 00:05 cdaq Computer reboots for 2002-08-22
  • Thursday

  • 49100 08/22/02 17:29 willy beam development test run start up
  • 49099 08/22/02 15:56 Armstrong MCC not ready yet
  • 49098 08/22/02 15:48 saw G0 log entries to HClog
  • 49097 08/22/02 15:48 mack,sandra hms s2 hv back online
  • 49095 08/22/02 00:05 cdaq Computer reboots for 2002-08-21
  • Wednesday

  • 49094 08/21/02 00:05 cdaq Computer reboots for 2002-08-20
  • Tuesday

  • 49093 08/20/02 16:53 mack,sandra hms s2 hv crate dead
  • 49092 08/20/02 00:05 cdaq Computer reboots for 2002-08-19
  • Monday

  • 49091 08/19/02 00:05 cdaq Computer reboots for 2002-08-18
  • Sunday

  • 49090 08/18/02 00:05 cdaq Computer reboots for 2002-08-17
  • Saturday

  • 49089 08/17/02 00:05 cdaq Computer reboots for 2002-08-16
  • Friday

  • 49088 08/16/02 10:58 mack,vidakov high voltage tripped off
  • 49087 08/16/02 00:05 cdaq Computer reboots for 2002-08-15
  • Thursday

  • 49086 08/15/02 14:01 mack hsm s2 voltages tripped off
  • 49085 08/15/02 00:05 cdaq Computer reboots for 2002-08-14
  • Wednesday

  • 49084 08/14/02 00:05 cdaq Computer reboots for 2002-08-13
  • Tuesday

  • 49083 08/13/02 15:45 hcf moller analyzing power
  • 49082 08/13/02 00:05 cdaq Computer reboots for 2002-08-12
  • Monday

  • 49081 08/12/02 00:05 cdaq Computer reboots for 2002-08-11
  • Sunday

  • 49080 08/11/02 00:05 cdaq Computer reboots for 2002-08-10
  • Saturday

  • 49079 08/10/02 00:05 cdaq Computer reboots for 2002-08-09
  • Friday

  • 49078 08/09/02 00:05 cdaq Computer reboots for 2002-08-08
  • Thursday

  • 49077 08/08/02 14:27 mack hms hv control problem
  • 49076 08/01/02 10:52 hcf Moller initial setup for 3.056