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    User name grimm

    Log entry time 13:58:58 on November 3,2002

    Entry number 50849

    keyword=addendum: FR TOF plots for run13547(FiB) and 13549(FoB), part 1/3

    here are the rate plots of the french octants of the run 13547 (Front if Back)
    and for run 13549 (Front or Back), both at 4uA, 50mV thresh, 4500A
    Note that octant 6 has a 2x lead exit window installed, the back of octant 4
    is covered with a lead curtain.

    color code: black octant 2
    red octant 4
    green octant 6
    blue octant 8
    top_left: raw tof rate for front det
    top_middle: extrapolated rate for 40uA for front det
    top_right: raw rate normalized on detector surfaces for front det
    bottom: same for back det

    1.Plot: Front or Back
    2.Plot: Front if Back

    FIGURE 1

    FIGURE 2