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    User name ramsay

    Log entry time 08:04:48 on November 4,2002

    Entry number 50902

    keyword=00-08 (Owl) shift summary

    00-08 (Owl) shift summary
    Had a steady 25 uA essentially the whole shift.
    Did charge and position scans.
    Don't understand large charge asymmetry with helicity flip (pockels cell) and steering correction both off.

    We want to determine the calibration constants for the Charge and
    position feedback .

    Start Half wave plate scan to get the charge asymmetry reasonably low to start.

    00:30 Start run #13631, HV on all detectors OFF. Beam current ~28 uA.
    From g0beamfeedback screen: 1/2 plate=1100. IA=5.01,
    Charge asym =933+-25

    00:50 Run # 13632, 1/2 plate = 1600. Charge asym= +435.8+-22
    01:30 Run # 13633, 1/2 plate = 2100. Charge asym= -250+-21
    01:40 Run # 13634, 1/2 plate = 2600. Charge asym= +123+-19
    01:45 Run # 13635, 1/2 plate = 600. Charge asym= +952+-18
    02:00 Run # 13636, 1/2 plate = 850. Charge asym= +862+-30
    02:10 Run # 13637, 1/2 plate = 1850. Charge asym= +251+-22
    02:20 Run # 13638, 1/2 plate = 2400. Charge asym= -451+-17
    02:33 Run # 13639, 1/2 plate = 2000. Charge asym= -383+-17
    02:50 Run # 13640, 1/2 plate = 2000. Charge asym= -740+-16
    03:08 Run # 13641, 1/2 plate = 2000. Charge asym= -432+-17
    03:22 Run # 13642, 1/2 plate = 1800. Charge asym= -245+-16
    03:44 Run # 13643, 1/2 plate = 1600. Charge asym= -518+-17
    The asymmetries to not make sense. How can they jump from run to run
    by so many sigma? Anyway, let's try to do the IA scans.

    04:08 Turn OFF Pockels cell, still 32 degrees halfwave plate

    04:10 Run # 13644, IA=5, asym = +243+-19
    This should really be zero, with our helicity pockels cell off.
    Decide to take long (15 m) run and look at charge asymmetry as a function of time to see if it really changes as much as it seems.
    04:24 Run # 13645, IA=5, asym = +333+-10
    Check with MCC that our slits are wide open. They are.
    04:42 beam off to re-boot an IOC
    04:48 Run # 13646, IA=1, asym = -186+-11
    05:09 Run # 13647, IA=9, asym = +841+-9
    Calibration is 128 ppm / V
    05:40 Run # 13648, IA=5, asym = +255+-10

    Let's start the PZT Scans, (dx, dy in nm)
    06:20 Run 13649, pztX = 1, pztY = 5, dx= -7762+-182, dy= -7496+-206
    06:40 Run 13650, pztX = 5, pztY = 5, dx= -2397+-186, dy= -333+-212
    06:52 Run 13651, pztX = 9, pztY = 5, dx= +3048+-188, dy= +6340+-218
    07:00 Run 13652, pztX = 5, pztY = 1, dx= -3805+-182, dy= -4928+-197
    07:08 Run 13653, pztX = 5, pztY = 5, dx= -2695+-200, dy=-8677+-213
    07:16 Run 13654, pztX = 5, pztY = 9, dx= -2030+-187, dy=+3454+-196

    for slopes see log entry #6050

    Set all voltages (pztX, pztY, IA) to 5V (i.e. no effect), and pockels cell OFF (no helicity flip) and check charge asymmetry.
    07:29 Run 13655, pztX= pztY= IA = 5V, charge asym = +200+-11
    Try turning OFF the Gun 3 pockels cell:
    07:50 Run 13656, pztX= pztY= IA = 5V, charge asym = see log