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    User name Gzero

    Log entry time 16:07:54 on November 9,2002

    Entry number 51293

    keyword=Script to plot rates and counts from SDMCH data

    Script to plot rates and counts for each detector (CFDs and MTs) from
    sdmch data (FR electronics).

    Log onto g0ana
    >cd $SCRATCH/scripts

    Then the code asks you to chosse between counts, rates and no plots :
    Counts : raw counts
    Rates : raw counts / (total_number_of_mps)

    Which type of plot are you interested in ?
    1 => Counts
    2 => Rates
    3 => No plots

    Choice 1, 2 or 3 ?

    Whatever choice you make, the code generates log files :
    - $SCRATCH/work/Rates_sdmch/log/G0Run.log :
    configuration of FR electronics for this run
    - $SCRATCH/work/Rates_sdmch/sdmch/G0Run_sdmch.log :
    counts and rates per Octant and detector number, alerts

    If you choose "Counts" or "Rates" then you have also the 2 ps files of the
    plots you ask for in SCRATCH/work/Rates_sdmch/root/ :

    if "Rates" :
    - G0Run__directs_rate_O2_O6.ps
    - G0Run__directs_rate_O4_O8.ps

    if "Counts" :
    - G0Run__directs_counts_O2_O6.ps
    - G0Run__directs_counts_O4_O8.ps