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    User name nakahara

    Log entry time 21:17:15 on November 9,2002

    Entry number 51310

    keyword=Magnet Lead Temperatures

    At the same time the coil temperatures shot up, the A and B Bus Cryofeed Temperatures shot up as well. Curiously enough, the VCL flow was very stable during this spike.
    Furthermore, at 19:45, the VCL temperatures rose for about 45 minutes before coming down. At this time, the LHe level was at 75%, and dropping. Throughout this incident, the vacuum was fine, the water flow was nominal, and the shield and collimator temperatures were stable.

    On top of all this, at 18:19, Excel crashed, which killed the webquery connecting Lookout to the Hall Flow EPICS variables. This has been restarted.
    As I write this, the LHe level has recovered (it actually overshot the deadband again, but the PID is working faster this time), and is at 83.4%.

    FIGURE 1