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    User name real

    Log entry time 15:20:16 on November 16,2002

    Entry number 51652

    This entry is a followup to: 7738

    keyword=high counting rates in small french detectors

    We took 1 run (14181) for which we swapped the det 1 between octant 1 and 8.
    Results can be seen on the figure (all counting rates are normalized with octant 7):
    -Octant 1 : red points, the det 1 pass through the NA electronics
    green points, the det 1 pass through the FR electronics, counting rates are much higher.
    -Octant 8 :red points, the det1 pass through the FR electronics, large counting rates observed.
    :green points,the det 1 pass through the NA electronics, counting rates are the same than the NA (value around 1).

    so large counting rates in small FR detectors are due to electronics (splitter or CFD)
    investigation continue...

    FIGURE 1